【双语灵修】安然接受有限的生命 Making Peace With Mortality


【双语灵修】安然接受有限的生命 Making Peace With Mortality


“那美好的仗我已经打过了,当跑的路我已经跑尽了,所信的道我已经守住了。” - 提后 4:7



保罗回想他自己作为基督的使徒所渡过的年日,他借用了体育竞技的术语来形容这段日子。保罗说,他已经成功地完成了径赛的赛程并遵守了所有的比赛规则 - 基督的教导。他已经守住了自己所信的道,现在他已经准备好了接受他的奖赏 - 就是公义的冠冕。





提摩太后书 4:6-8


Making Peace With Mortality

"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." - 2 Timothy 4:7

Are you at peace when you reflect on your own mortality? Though our life with Christ will never end, we know that our journey on this earth is not going to last forever. One day we will stand in our Creator’s presence.

In 2 Timothy 4 the apostle Paul reflects on this important meeting. His thoughts about the end of his life on earth are filled with stirring emotion and striking imagery. He is honest with us in his sadness, just as he is strong in his Christian hope.

As Paul reflects on his years as an apostle of Christ, he uses language from the sports world. Paul says he has successfully finished the race and has observed all the rules—the teachings of Christ. He has kept the faith, and now he is ready to accept his award—the crown of righteousness.

Throughout his ministry Paul has trusted in his Savior. He is doing the same now as he nears the end of his life on earth and looks forward to a new adventure in God’s presence.

When our life on this earth runs its course, will we be able to say we have fought the good fight and kept the faith? Will we receive the crown of righteousness? Only by God’s grace can we be faithful, credited with Jesus’ righteousness and crowned to live in his presence forever.


Father, help us always to be prepared to meet you. Lead us in your way always, and make us worthy in Christ to receive the crown of righteousness you have in store for us. Amen.


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