【双语灵修】圣灵所结的果子就是恩慈 The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Kindness


【双语灵修】圣灵所结的果子就是恩慈 The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Kindness


“‘我要照耶和华一切所赐给我们的,提起他的慈爱和美德 …。’” - 赛 63:7

我们可以把恩慈形容为以友善、慷慨、体贴待人。不过,可悲的是,这种性情特质往往在我们日常生活中难以找到 - 特别是在充满竞争的环境中尤为罕见。我们若定意在世上寻找恩慈,或许可以找到一些,但遗憾的是,我们更容易找到的往往是无恩慈的行为。




以赛亚书 63:7-9


The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Kindness

"I will tell of the kindnesses of the LORD, the deeds for which he is to be praised, according to all the LORD has done for us. . . ." - Isaiah 63:7

Kindness can be described as a friendly, generous, considerate disposition toward others. But, sadly, this trait can be elusive in our everyday world—especially where there is a lot of competition. When we look for kindness in our world, we can find it, but we also tend to find a lot of unkindness.

Isaiah tells about the kindnesses of God and all that the Lord has done for us. Already in the garden of Eden we see the kindness of God to our first parents. God had warned Adam and Eve of the dire consequences of disobeying his command. When they disobeyed anyway, they became aware of their guilt and were afraid. But God displayed at least two great acts of kindness. First, instead of bringing about the punishment of death right away, God promised to send his Son to take on the ultimate punishment for sin. Second, God took care of Adam and Eve's immediate needs and gave them clothes to wear. From that time forward, God's kindness has been on display as he points to his Son, Jesus, the Savior, as the way of forgiveness, restoration, and full life forever.


Kind God, move us to see your kindness today, and guide us to find ways to reflect your kindness to others as we forgive those who wrong us and seek to lead them to your wholeness. For Jesus' sake, Amen.


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