【双语灵修】圣灵所结的果子就是良善 The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Goodness

“问他说:‘良善的夫子,我当做什么事才可以承受永生?’耶稣对他说:‘你为什么称我是良善的?除了神一位之外,再没有良善的。’” - 可 10:17-18
在这里,耶稣给富人的回答令人感到非常困惑。首先,当被称为“良善的夫子,”时,耶稣回应说:“只有神才是良善的。”难道耶稣在说衪不是神吗?衪当然不是这个意思,衪这样回应是因为这个富人仅仅视耶稣为一个普通人 - 虽然是一个良善的人,但仍然只是人。当富人站在耶稣面前时,他要面对一个事实,就是他自己仅仅是一个人,而他也并非如他自己想像得那般良善。终究只有神才可算是良善的(当然,耶稣自己是良善的,因为衪就是神,但在这里,衪并没有刻意吸引人将注意力投在衪身上。)
在日常生活中,我们用良善(good)这个字词来形容很多不同的情况。我们说:“早“安”(good morning)。”我们爱吃“美味”的早餐(good breakfast)。看到“晴朗”的天气(good weather),便出外与“好”朋友(good friend)见面。
不过,我们既然已经藉着基督得蒙赦免并与神和好,重建了关系,我们便得到能力去行善和成为良善的人。凡披戴基督的义并为荣耀衪而行事的人,有一天将会听到评价说:“做得很好!你这又良善又忠心的仆人”(参看马太福音 25:21, 23)。

马可福音 10:17-27
The Fruit Of The Spirit Is Goodness
"'Good teacher,' he asked, 'what must I do to inherit eternal life?' 'Why do you call me good?' Jesus answered. 'No one is good—except God alone.'" - Mark 10:17-18
Jesus' reply to the rich man here is full of surprises. First, in response to being called "Good teacher," Jesus says, "only God is good." Was Jesus saying that he is not God? No, Jesus answered this way because the rich man saw him as just a man—a good man, but still just a man. As the rich man stood before Jesus, he was also confronted with the fact that he himself was just a man and not as good as he had thought. Ultimately, only God is good. (And, of course, Jesus himself is good because he too is God, but he is not drawing attention to himself here.)
In our everyday lives, we use the word good to describe all kinds of things. We say, "Good morning." We appreciated a good breakfast. Seeing that the weather is good, we go out to meet with our good friends.
The Bible, however, mainly uses the word good to refer to what is pure and holy. The point Jesus is making is that only the perfect and holy God is truly good.
And yet, as we find forgiveness through Jesus and we are restored to a right relationship with God, we gain the ability to do good and to be good. All who are clothed in the righteousness of Christ and act for his glory will one day hear the words "Well done, good and faithful servant!" (see Matthew 25:21, 23).
Father, help us to follow Jesus. Forgive our sins, we pray, and, by the power of your Spirit in us, help us to do what is good. Amen.

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