【双语灵修】我们信实的神 Our Faithful God


【双语灵修】我们信实的神 Our Faithful God


“我们纵然失信,〔基督〕仍是可信的,因为他不能背乎自己。” - 提后 2:13

儿女小时,我们曾参观一座水族馆,场馆中间有一条玻璃隧道。走过隧道时,我们看见鲨鱼和其他鱼儿在我们周围游泳。我常常会好奇地想,昔日以色列民走过红海时,是否也有类似的经历?他们会看见水墙里的鱼儿在他们旁边游泳吗?我们不能确定是否会像水族馆这样。此外,当时正是晚上。而神的荣光在那里照明他们的路(出埃及记 14章)。

可悲的是,以色列民很快便忘记了神对他们奇妙的拯救。在旷野中行走几天找不到水源后,他们便开始对现状抱怨不满了(出埃及记 15:22-16:3)。神便供应了大量的水和食物给他们,可是,过不了多久,他们便又开始发怨言了。在整本旧约圣经中,我们看到以色列民对盟约之神不断失信的模式,然而神却一直都是信实的。

耶稣到来后,犹太人和其他以色列民的后人仍然是神的子民 - 不是因为他们对神忠心,乃是因为神是信实的 - 这种情况迄今仍然不改变。




提摩太后书 2:11-13


Our Faithful God

". . . if we are faithless, [Christ] remains faithful, for he cannot disown himself." - 2 Timothy 2:13

When our children were young, we visited an aquarium that had a glass tunnel through the middle. As we walked along, we saw sharks and ­other fish swimming all around us. I have often wondered if the Israelites' experience of walking through the Red Sea was similar. Did they see fish swimming in the walls of water alongside their path? We can't be sure. Besides, it was nighttime. Even so, the light of God was there to show the way (Exodus 14).

Sadly, the Israelites soon forgot their miraculous deliverance. After a few days in the desert without finding water, they started grumbling and complaining about their situation (Exodus 15:22-16:3). God provided them with plenty of water and food, and yet soon they were grumbling again. Throughout the Old Testament we see repeated patterns of Israel's unfaithfulness to God. And yet God remained faithful.

When Jesus came, the Jews and other Israelite descendants were still God's people—not because of their faithfulness but because of God's—and so it remains today.

The words of the Holy Spirit are true. Though we are unfaithful, our Lord is always faithful. May we marvel today that even when we are unfaithful, God forgives us and remains faithful, keeping all of his promises to us.


"Great is your faithfulness, O God." Holy Spirit, continue your good work in us and help us to be faithful to you in our thoughts, our words, and our deeds. In Jesus' name we pray. Amen.


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