【双语灵修】耶稣的温柔 The Gentleness Of Jesus

“耶稣说:‘我也不定你的罪,去吧!从此不要再犯罪了。’” - 约 8:11
耶稣对那行淫时被捉拿的妇人是如此温柔,实在暖人心房。根据摩西的律法,这妇人有可能会被人用石头打死(利未记 20:10)然而,耶稣知道宗教领袖们的目的是要试探衪,而不是真的关心遵守神的律法。妇人在行淫时被拿,表示他们也知道与她行淫的男人是谁,但是这人在哪里呢?这个故事完全没有提起他。宗教领袖们认为,如果耶稣不支持判妇人死刑,衪便犯了不守律法的罪。这样,他们便得到控告衪的把柄了。
同样,主也告诉我们:“我来到世上,不是要定你们的罪,乃是要赦免你们的罪;你们要悔改,从此不要再犯罪了”(参看约翰福音 3:17-21)。“并且以我对待你们的温柔,去对待每一个在你周围所遇见的人吧!”(参看马太福音 7:12)。

约翰福音 8:3-11
The Gentleness Of Jesus
"'Neither do I condemn you,' Jesus declared. 'Go now and leave your life of sin.'" - John 8:11
Jesus' gentleness to the woman who was caught in adultery is heartwarming. According to the law of Moses, this woman could have been stoned to death (Leviticus 20:10). But Jesus knew the religious leaders were more interested in trapping him than in following God's law. The fact that the woman was caught in adultery means that the man involved was also known. But where was he? He is not even mentioned in the story. The religious leaders simply assumed that if Jesus did not demand the death penalty, he would be guilty of breaking the law, and that would give them a basis for accusing him.
But Jesus turned the tables on the religious leaders and put them into an impossible situation. He said, "Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her." So throwing a stone would mean declaring yourself sinless. None of the leaders were prepared to do that. One by one, her accusers went away, and then Jesus told the woman, "Neither do I condemn you. . . . Go now and leave your life of sin."
Similarly, the Lord tells us, "I came into this world not to condemn you but to forgive you; repent and sin no more" (see John 3:17-21). "And with the gentleness that I treat you, treat everyone around you" (see Matthew 7:12).
Jesus, we marvel at your gentleness with all of us sinners. Thank you for being such a gentle Savior, and help us to be gentle with others. Amen.

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