【双语灵修】走向终点 Walking To A Destination


【双语灵修】走向终点 Walking To A Destination


“他们行路上耶路撒冷去。耶稣在前头走,门徒就希奇,跟从的人也害怕。” - 可 10:32



虽然祂曾经告诉过他们,但耶稣的门徒们当时并没有领会祂的使命。祂要成就圣经中关于一个受苦仆人的应许,祂要把堕落人类的罪背负在肩上(赛 52:13-53:12)。祂去耶路撒冷是要死在十字架上——为了赐给我们新的生命和永恒的盼望。感谢神,祂没有放弃我们!




马可福音 10:32-34


Walking To A Destination

"They were on their way up to Jerusalem, with Jesus leading the way, and the disciples were astonished, while those who followed were afraid." - Mark 10:32

Many hikers start the Appala­chian Trail at Springer Moun­tain in Georgia. Only a fraction, however, complete the entire trail. To make it all the way up Mount Katahdin in Maine at the end of the trail, the destination must become an unshakable goal.

Though Jesus meandered through Galilee and Judea during his ministry, he had one final, unshakable destination in mind, and it was deadly. When he told his disciples he was going to Jerusalem, they were astonished. They knew only too well the ugly jealousy and hatred that the religious leaders had for Jesus. They feared for his life, not to mention their own.

Though he had told them about this before, Jesus’ disciples hadn’t grasped the purpose of his mission. He was going to fulfill the Scriptures’ promise of a suffering servant, who would take the sins of fallen humanity on his shoulders (Isaiah 52:13-53:12). He went to Jerusalem to die on a cross there—in order to give us new life and eternal hope. Thank God that he didn’t quit!

We all face hardships in this journey of life. When we feel like quitting, we need to remind ourselves that Jesus kept marching toward his destination. And now that we are freed from sin and death through him, we can share Jesus’ hope and peace with every­one around us.


Lord Jesus, despite the hardship and suffering you endured, you never gave up on redeeming us. Help us never to give up on you. Amen.


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