【双语灵修】出去时还不知往哪里去 Going Without Knowing


【双语灵修】出去时还不知往哪里去 Going Without Knowing


“亚伯拉罕因着信,蒙召的时候,就遵命出去, … 出去的时候,还不知往哪里去。” - 来 11:8

亚伯拉罕曾经住在当日的一个大城市吾珥,后来他和他的大家庭一同迁移至哈兰(创世记 11:31)。(吾珥位于今天的伊拉克,而哈兰则在今天的土耳其。)亚伯拉罕出自富裕人家,纵使他起初并没有期待由神来掌管他的一生,然而神却在寻找他,并为他制定了一个特别的人生计划。亚伯拉罕的生命便因此发生了剧变。(这时他的名字是亚伯兰,但后来神把他的名字改为亚伯拉罕;参看创世记 17:5。)





创世记 12:1-4


Going Without Knowing

"By faith Abraham, when called to go . . . obeyed and went, even though he did not know where he was going." - Hebrews 11:8

Abraham had lived in Ur, a big city in its day, and with his extended family he had moved to Harran (Genesis 11:31). (Ur was in modern-day Iraq, and Harran was in modern-day Turkey.) Abraham was prosperous, and even if he wasn't looking for God to take over his life, God was looking for him with a special plan in mind. Because of this, Abraham's life changed in a big way. (At that time his name was Abram, but God later changed his name to Abraham; see Genesis 17:5.)

In effect, God said, "Leave your country, your culture, your clan, and follow me." That's not easy to do when you are 75 years old and successful and settled, as Abraham was. And God didn't give Abraham a map to follow. God simply said, "Go . . . to the land I will show you."

When it comes to God's calling in our life, we like to have both clarity and content. We want a detailed description of where to go and what to do when we get there. But God seldom works that way. God wants us to exercise faith, not simply our intellect. He wants us to learn to walk by faith in him, rather than simply by sight. Not every call of God involves relocation, but every call does involve leaving some of our past behind and venturing into the unknown with God as our guide.


Lord, teach us what it means to listen for your voice and to respond in faith. Remind us that the safest, most joyful place to be is with you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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