【双语灵修】难以信靠神的时候 When It's Hard To Trust God


【双语灵修】难以信靠神的时候 When It's Hard To Trust God


“亚伯兰说:‘主耶和华啊,我既无子,你还赐我什么呢?并且要承受我家业的是大马士革人以利以谢。’” - 创 15:2



我们都能体会应许落空带来的失望;它们会在我们的心里和家庭生活中留下一个痛苦的空白。或许我们听从了神的呼召和凭信心踏出一步,然而我们为衪的国度冒险,却看不到我们所期望得到的果效。在这种情况之下,继续信靠神很不容易。正像诗人发出的呼喊:“耶和华啊,你要到几时才救我呢?”(诗篇 6:3)。

有一个好消息,就是神明白我们的疑惑和恐惧。我们向衪祈求:“主啊,我信,但我信不足,求主帮助。求主帮助我更加信靠你 - 纵使我看不见或不明白你的旨意、纵使我似乎已经等了多时”(参看马可福音 9:24),因这信心的祈祷,衪便慈爱地回应我们的祈求。

神向我们解释,衪的道路高过我们所能想像得到的(以赛亚书 55:9)。而衪所安排的时间也是无可挑剔的 - 总不会过早、也不会太迟。相信这些事实能帮助我们经历到从神而来的安息。



创世记 15:1-6


When It's Hard To Trust God

"Abram said, 'Sovereign LORD, what can you give me since I remain childless and the one who will inherit my estate is Eliezer of Damascus?'" - Genesis 15:2

Despite having great faith, Abraham could be unsettled by nagging fears and doubts.

That is why, in the opening of Genesis 15, God says to him, "Do not be afraid. . . . I am your shield, your very great reward." Abraham was struggling to believe. God's promise to make him the father of a great nation was now about ten years old, and he and Sarai did not have a child.

We all know the pain of promises unfulfilled; they can leave an aching void in our hearts and homes. Perhaps we follow God's call and step out in faith. We risk something for his kingdom, but we don't see the hoped-for results. At times like that, it can be hard to keep trusting in God. Like the psalmist we cry out, "How long, LORD, how long?" (Psalm 6:3).

The good news is that God understands our doubts and fears. He graciously responds to the prayer that says, "Lord, I believe. Help me overcome my unbelief. Help me trust you more—even when I don't see or understand your ways, even when it seems to be taking so long" (see Mark 9:24).

God explains that his ways are higher than we can imagine (Isaiah 55:9). And his timing is impeccable—never early, never late. Trusting in these truths allows us to experience God's peace and rest.


Heavenly Father, calm our anxious minds and troubled hearts today. Help us to trust you completely with whatever is disturbing us. In the powerful name of Jesus we pray. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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