【双语灵修】摩西与怪兽Moses And Monsters
“我(智慧)在那里;他......为沧海定出界限,使水不越过他的命令。” - 箴 8:27-29
历史上,人们通常认为是摩西受神的默示写了圣经的前五卷书。作为埃及王室的一员,摩西(被国王女儿收养的希伯来孩子——出埃及记第 2 章)在成长过程中可能会被灌输许多关于世界起源的神话。例如,一个古老的美索不达米亚神话认为,战神马尔杜克与统治混乱海洋的怪物提亚玛特作战。马尔杜克打败了提亚玛特,使世界从混乱中恢复了秩序。
现在,让我们再来看看创世记第一章。我们看到了大水,但它们并没有被描述成神或怪物;它们只是神所创造的世界的一部份。神告诉水应当流到哪里,不可以流到哪里。(又见箴 8:12-31)摩西宣告了真神掌管着万物。
创世记 1:3-10
Moses And Monsters
"I [Wisdom] was there . . . when [God] gave the sea its boundary so the waters would not overstep his command." - Proverbs 8:27-29
Historically Moses, directed by God, is understood to be the writer of the first five books of the Bible. Growing up as part of the royal family in Egypt, Moses (a Hebrew child adopted by the king's daughter—Exodus 2) would have been taught many myths about the origin of the world. An old Mesopotamian myth, for example, held that Marduk, a warrior god, fought against Tiamat, a monster ruling the chaotic sea. Marduk defeated Tiamat and brought order out of chaos.
Now, let's look at Genesis 1 again. We see powerful waters, but they are not described as a god or a monster; they are simply a part of the world God is creating. God tells the waters where they can go and where they cannot go. (See also Proverbs 8:12-31.) Moses shows that the true God is in control of all things.
In myths about creation there is always uncertainty about whether a people's gods can hold back the forces of chaos. The ancient Egyptians, for example, believed that their sun god Ra had to descend into the underworld every night to defeat the great serpent Apophis, or else the ordered world would be destroyed.
But in the Genesis story, God creates and makes peace not through battle but with a word. No other force or would-be god is there; creation has only one true Lord.
Lord and God, we praise you that no force in heaven or on earth has power over you, and that you hold all things in your hands. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
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