【双语灵修】教会方舟Ark Of The Church

“当时进入方舟,藉着水得救的不多,只有八个人。 这水所表明的洗礼,现在...... 也拯救你们......” - 彼前 3:20-21
在今天的经文中,使徒彼得提到了挪亚和方舟,我们在10月4日讨论过相关问题(创 8章)。你还记得本月有另一个同样指向方舟的故事吗?那是记载在出埃及记第 2 章(10月5日)中,你可能还记得,摩西的母亲把尚是婴孩的摩西放在一个“箱子”里,希伯来语的“箱子”也有“方舟”的意思。摩西的母亲这样做是出于信心,希望她的小儿子能躲过埃及法老的杀戮(见出 1:22)。

彼得前书 3:18-22
Ark Of The Church
"In [the ark] only a few people, eight in all, were saved through water, and this water symbolizes baptism that now saves you also. . . ." - 1 Peter 3:20-21
In our reading for today, the apostle Peter mentions Noah and the ark, which we discussed on October 4 (Genesis 8). Do you remember another story this month that also pointed to the ark? In Exodus 2 (Oct. 5), as you may recall, Moses' mother places him as a baby in a "basket," and the Hebrew word for that can also mean "ark." Moses' mother did this, in faith, hoping that her little boy would escape the murderous reach of Pharaoh, the king of Egypt (see Exodus 1:22).
In the New Testament, the apostle and fisherman Peter states that just as God rescued Noah and his family "through water" while other people were swept away in judgment, Christians are rescued from judgment by Christ's death and resurrection, which is symbolized in baptism. If believers in Christ are symbolically rescued (like Noah and his family) "through water" (baptism), then what is the "ark"? What is the vessel of God's rescue for us and indeed for the whole creation? It seems that this would be the church, the community of faith. Remember, baptism places us in the nurturing community of the people of God with its worship, prayers, sacraments, and fellowship. In this "ark" we are on the way to the resurrection and full life in God's renewed world.
Lord, we praise you for the church, which, though it can be rocked by powerful winds and waves, is nonetheless piloted by you and is the place of your grace and salvation. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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