【双语灵修】我会沦落到什么地步?Where Would I Be?

“若不是耶和华帮助我们 … 若不是耶和华帮助我们 …。” - 诗 124:1-2
“牧师,我知道这算不得什么,但当年在我生命低谷的那一刻,假若神没有让我接触到RCM的事工,我无法想像今天我会沦落到什么样的地步。这个事工帮助我坚持下去 -它供给我饭食、衣物、和一个栖身之所。我为您的服事感谢神!请用这些钱来帮助其他有需要的人吧。”
Margaret Douroux博士曾经根据诗篇124篇创作了一首诗歌,我时常会不知不觉哼起这首歌来:“主若没有帮助我,请你告诉我,我会沦落到什么地步?我会沦落到什么地步?”
我为Terrell感谢神;我为他那天送来的礼物感谢神 - 包括他焕发的活力、他的诚恳鼓励、他的金钱奉献。对他来说,需要极大的谦卑,才能信赖别人和允许他们与他同行和接受别人的鼓励。我很难做到他那样的谦卑,然而愿意接受自己的脆弱,是一个起点,让基督引领我们成为与祂更亲近的,归属衪的社区。

诗篇 124
Where Would I Be?
"If the Lord had not been on our side . . . if the Lord had not been on our side. . . ." - Psalm 124:1-2
"You remember me, Pastor?"
He stood outside the door of the church, a smile across his face. Squinting at him for a few seconds, I finally recognized him. Five years earlier, Terrell had been 50 pounds lighter and in the grip of an unforgiving substance addiction. He stood smiling, confident, with his arm outstretched and a 50-dollar bill in his hand.
"I know it's not much, but if it had not been for God placing me in this ministry at that moment in my life, I don't want to imagine where I would be. This place kept me going—meals, clothes, and a home for me. I thank God for you! Please use this to help somebody."
Dr. Margaret Douroux wrote a song based on Psalm 124 that I often find myself humming: "If it had not been for the Lord on my side, tell me, where would I be? Where would I be?"
I thank God for Terrell. I thank God for the gifts he came with that day—his spirit, his encouragement, and his monetary contribution. Trusting and allowing others to walk with and encourage him took great humility on his part. I struggle to have that level of humility. And yet that sort of vulnerability opens a way for Christ to draw us closer as his community.
If the Lord had not been on your side, where would you be?
Lord, give us the humility to look back and ask, "If you had not been on our side, where would we be?" Give us gratitude for your faithfulness. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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