【双语灵修】外刚内柔Tough Minds And Tender Hearts


【双语灵修】外刚内柔Tough Minds And Tender Hearts


“我差你们去,如同羊进入狼群。所以你们要灵巧像蛇,驯良像鸽子。” - 太 10:16

Clayton警员在芝加哥南区长大,他被鼓励去当警员,服务他的社区 。他曾经冒着生命危险逮捕逃犯。当处境需要时,他可以秉公行事不徇私情。但他也会来到RCM赠送单车和马戏团入埸券给小孩子们,并且在新学年开始时到学校送学习用品给他们。他性格外刚内柔,为人意志坚强但同时也能留意到别人的需要。每当看见这些同时拥有两种很不同的恩赐的人,便令我备受激励。马丁路德金牧师曾有一篇相关的讲章,名为“外刚内柔”,这篇讲章对一些有时感觉自己格格不入的人很有帮助。





马太福音 10:16-20


Tough Minds And Tender Hearts

"I am sending you out like sheep among wolves. Therefore be as shrewd as snakes and as innocent as doves." - Matthew 10:16

Officer Clayton grew up on the South Side of Chicago and was inspired to become a police officer to serve his community. He has arrested hardened criminals in life-threatening situations. He can be tough skinned and all business in situations where he needs to be. He also comes by Roseland Christian Ministries to bring bicycles for children, tickets to the circus, and school supplies for kids when the school year starts. He is both tough and tender. He is strong-willed and sensitive to the needs of others.

I am inspired by people who are a synthesis of gifts that we don't normally attribute together. Rev. Martin Luther King, Jr., delivered a sermon on this topic, titled, "Tough Minds and Tender Hearts." This sermon is a gift to anyone who may feel like a square peg in a round hole at times.

Following Jesus requires that we not give into societal expectations if they diminish the fullness of who God made us to be. We have in us, as children of God, the capacity to be both as shrewd as a serpent and as innocent as a dove, tough and tender, creative and organized, thoughtful and action oriented.

In what ways are you a synthesis of attributes that may seem like contradictions but come together to form you?


Lord, bring together all the traits that make us who we are, even those that can seem contradictory. Make us whole by the power of your Holy Spirit. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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