【双语灵修】这就是被喻为副歌的福音 It's The Gospel Chorus


【双语灵修】这就是被喻为副歌的福音 It's The Gospel Chorus


“‘这天国的福音要传遍天下,对万民作见证。’” - 太 24:14



身为神的儿子,耶稣是神在很久以前应许赐下的“受膏者”(弥赛亚,基督),衪将要为神的子民带来一个和平、公正、和公义的新纪元(以赛亚书 42-43;49-53)。这就是将会被传到万邦的好消息(“福音”)了。

耶稣以神子民(以色列民)的君王的身份降临,所以衪说衪蒙差遣去宣扬神国的好消息,是毫不奇怪的。君王还会做什么事情呢?这“好消息”就是“福音”- 因此“神的国”便成为被喻为副歌的福音,因为这是圣经中一个不断重复的主题,是关于神藉耶稣成就的伟大作为。

使徒保罗在唱颂这段副歌;他告诉以弗所教会的长老,他“领受的职事,证明神恩惠的福音。”接着他便以“传扬神国的道”(使徒行传 20:24-25)来形容这份职事。




路加福音 4:40-44


It's The Gospel Chorus

"This gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations." - Matthew 24:14

I suppose we all have people we don't trust. For one thing, it's hard to trust somebody who doesn't tell the truth. But sometimes untrustworthy people do manage to tell the truth. And sometimes even demons do.

As Jesus cast out demons at Simon's house, those demons said, "You are the Son of God!" It was the truth, of course. Somehow the demons knew Jesus was the Messiah.

As the Son of God, Jesus was the long-promised "Anointed One" (Messiah, Christ) who would bring a new era of peace, justice, and righteousness for God's people (Isaiah 42-43; 49-53). This was the good news ("the gospel") that would go out to all nations.

So Jesus came as the king of God's people (Israel). No wonder he said he was sent to proclaim the good news of the kingdom of God. What else would the king do? The "good news" is "the gospel"—and that makes "the kingdom of God" the gospel chorus, the repeating theme of God's great work through Jesus.

The apostle Paul sang this chorus. He told the elders of the church at Ephesus that he was given "the task of testifying to the good news of God's grace." Then he described that task as "preaching the kingdom" (Acts 20:24-25).

For Jesus and for Paul, the kingdom of God is at the center. It can't be any other way because that's the gospel truth.


King Jesus, I welcome the good news about you and your kingdom. That news can change the way I see everything. Please make it so. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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