【双语灵修】君王回来了The Return Of The King


【双语灵修】君王回来了The Return Of The King


“‘你们所寻求的主,必忽然进入他的殿。’” - 玛 3:1



多年后,先知以西结看到神离开圣殿的宝座 - 荣耀的云彩也随之而去(以西结书10)。圣殿本身随即被巴比伦毁坏,成为残桓败瓦。后来,以色列民从被放逐之地回去重建另一座圣殿,可是这次却没有荣耀的云彩,也没有迹象显示神到来住在这座新的圣殿中。





路加福音 2:22-24


The Return Of The King

"Suddenly the Lord you are seeking will come to his temple." - Malachi 3:1

When Jesus is 40 days old, his parents bring him to the temple to present the required offering after a son is born. It's a big day. Here's why.

When the Israelites, under Moses, set up a tabernacle (a portable temple) in the wilderness, a cloud of glory signaled the presence of God. God was there in the midst of his people. Later, when they built a temple, under Solomon, the cloud of glory filled it to overflowing. God was enthroned in the temple as Israel's true King.

Many years later, the prophet Ezekiel saw God's throne leave the temple—and the cloud of glory with it (Ezekiel 10). Soon the temple itself lay in ruins, destroyed by Babylon. Later the people of Israel returned from exile and built another temple. But this time there was no cloud of glory, no sign that God had come to live in the new temple.

Many more years later, Mary and Joseph came to the temple carrying Jesus. And the Lord, Israel's true King, was in the midst of his people once again. What kind of king will he be? And what kind of kingdom will he bring?

We are faced with those questions to this day. How will we welcome King Jesus and his kingdom? With humility? With joy? With thanksgiving? With hope? With holy obedience? The answer is in our lives and in the life of the church.


Jesus, you came to live among us for a while. And you will come again. We want to welcome you wherever you appear. And wherever you are, your kingdom is. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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