【双语灵修】我们想像不到Beyond Us


【双语灵修】我们想像不到Beyond Us


“‘这样看来,神也赐恩给外邦人,叫他们悔改得生命了。” - 徒 11:18



同样,神的国也是既奇妙但又往往难以理解的。像撒下的种子那样,神的国也有自己的生命。神的国不受我们的控制,它乃是随着神的旨意生长和结果,我们不得干预。这并不是说,神不使用我们参与这国度的发展过程。然而神的国充满令人惊讶的事情 - 就像外邦人与犹太人同属一个教会那样令人惊讶。




马可福音 4:26-29


Beyond Us

"So then, even to Gentiles God has granted repentance that leads to life." - Acts 11:18

An old hymn reminds us that "God moves in a mysterious way." Sometimes that's more than God's people can handle. Acts 11 shows how the brand-new church in Jerusalem was unsure what to do when Gentiles came to faith in Jesus. They were surprised and wondered what God was up to.

In a parable in Mark 4, Jesus says the kingdom of God is like seed scattered on soil. The seed sprouts and grows, taking on a life of its own. Eventually there is a harvest. Nowadays we can explain all the processes that produce a harvest. But 2,000 years ago those processes were a mystery, something beyond explanation and yet wonderful.

Similarly, the kingdom of God is wonderful and often beyond explaining. Like planted seed, the kingdom has a life of its own. The kingdom is outside our control. It grows and bears fruit however God pleases, without our intervention. It's not that God doesn't use us in the processes of the kingdom. But the kingdom is full of surprises—as surprising as Gentiles joining with Jews into one church.

Have you seen God move in mysterious ways? Has God given you or your church unexpected opportunities to offer hospitality, to practice generosity, even to tear down boundaries that would keep people out? How wonderful is that?!


Lord Jesus, you are the greatest kingdom mystery of all. You became human so that we can become more human than we have ever been. That's beyond us! Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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