【双语灵修】小儿科Kids' Stuff


【双语灵修】小儿科Kids' Stuff


“人也不得说:‘看哪,在这里!看哪,在那里!’因为神的国就在你们心里。” - 路 17:21

一首Bob Dylan旧歌的歌词这样说:“以前我曾苍老,现今却更年轻。”


人们带了小孩子 - 有些甚至是婴孩 - 来见耶稣,这些父母希望耶稣为他们的小孩祝福。然而门徒最清楚当时的情况:耶稣正忙于处理重要的事,成年人的事,衪没有时间浪费在小孩身上。






路加福音 18:15-17


Kids' Stuff

"People [won't] say, 'Here it is,' or 'There it is,' because the kingdom of God is in your midst." - Luke 17:21

Here's an old Bob Dylan lyric: "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now." When I hear that, I first picture a foolish young man. He's sure he knows what's what. Then I picture a wise older man. Like a child, he embraces the mystery of what he doesn't understand. Is that maybe how it is with the kingdom of God?

People were bringing little kids—even babies—to Jesus. Parents wanted Jesus to bless their little ones. But the disciples knew better: Jesus was busy with important stuff, grown-up stuff. There was no time to waste on little kids.

Well, Jesus set them straight, didn't he? "Cut it out!" he said. "Let the kids come right here to me. Don't you know that the kingdom of God is their kingdom? That God is their God?"

The kingdom of God is kids' stuff. And if we grown-ups don't add a bunch of big words and picky rules, then kids will see the kingdom for what it is. And they will welcome it the way they welcome a carnival or a snow day. When something so unexpected and so wonderful comes along, of course they'll want to be a part of it!

If we grown-ups don't feel the same way about the kingdom of God, we've most likely missed the point.


Come on, Jesus. Bring your kingdom. We want to ride all day for free! Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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