【双语灵修】不甚可观Not Much To Look At


【双语灵修】不甚可观Not Much To Look At


“‘你们给我吃 … 〔和〕给我喝,… 你们留我住,… 你们给我穿,… 你们看顾我,… 你们来看我。’” - 太 25:35-36


芥菜种是很细小的,单从它的外貌,你不会期望它会很快长大。像任何一粒种子,它有赖室外的环境 - 土壤、水份、太阳 - 才能发芽和生长。






马可福音 4:30-32


Not Much To Look At

"You gave me something to eat . . . [and] to drink, . . . you invited me in, . . . you clothed me, . . . you looked after me, . . . you came to visit me." - Matthew 25:35-36

When people have a stake in something, they tend to puff it up. It's the newest, the fastest, the brightest, the strongest. Not Jesus. He says the kingdom of God is like a mustard seed.

A mustard seed is tiny. Looking at it, you wouldn't expect it to amount to much. And like any seed, it's dependent on outside conditions—soil, moisture, sunshine—to germinate and grow.

Farmers today plant millions of soybean seeds in a single field. They make sure to plant plenty because they know they'll have a 20 to 30 percent loss. Home gardeners plant several squash seeds in every hill because some of those seeds may fail to germinate and some of the young plants may not mature.

But Jesus says the kingdom of God is like a single, small seed. Everything is staked on that one, tiny seed. If it fails to germinate, if it fails to grow, then all is lost. But when that one seed does sprout and grow, it becomes something far beyond its humble beginning: a safe and shady perch for a choir of songbirds.

In the same way, the kingdom of God may not look like much. But here and there, almost invisibly, it welcomes, shelters, and supports life. Maybe you're a part of that through a local congregation. I hope so.


Lord Jesus, give us faith to see your kingdom all around us. And give us courage to make your kingdom visible, even in the smallest ways. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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