【双语灵修】天国的义Kingdom Righteousness


【双语灵修】天国的义Kingdom Righteousness


“基督耶稣 … 成为 … 我们的公义 … 。” - 林前 1:30

进入神的国最主要的条件:是你的义要胜于法利赛人的义,但这是绝不容易的!法利赛人是很了不起的,他们守摩西律法比任何人都做得更好。使徒保罗说,在他还是法利赛人的时候,在守律法的义上他是无可指摘的(腓立比书 3:5-6),有谁胜得过他呢?

但除了试图比法利赛人做得更好之外,是否还有其他方法进入神的国呢?一定有的,因为保罗解释为何法利赛人的方法是不会成功的。因为我们全是罪人,我们不可能完全遵守律法 - 所以我们没有一个人可被称为义(罗马书 3至7章)。





马太福音 5:17-20


Kingdom Righteousness

"Christ Jesus . . . has become . . . our righteousness. . . ." - 1 Corinthians 1:30

Here's the main entrance requirement for the kingdom of God: You must have a righteousness that surpasses the righteousness of the Pharisees. Well, good luck with that! The Pharisees were amazing. They kept the law of Moses better than anyone. The apostle Paul says that when he was a Pharisee, his law-based righteousness was faultless (Philippians 3:5-6). Who could possibly top that?

But could there be a different way instead of trying to do the Pharisees one better? There has to be, because Paul explains that the Pharisees' way doesn't work. We are all sinners, and none of us can keep the law perfectly—so none of us can claim to be righteous (see Romans 3-7).

But what if the purpose of the law was to point out our sin and show us that we need a Savior? And what if Jesus fulfilled the purpose of the law for us through his death on the cross? What greater righteousness could there be? And what if this righteousness could be ours through the gift of Jesus? What if Jesus himself is our righteousness? Well, he is. And he is the one who brings us into the kingdom!

No one enters the kingdom of God by having the best behavior, but only by having faith in the King, Jesus. That's how the repentant tax collectors and sex workers entered the kingdom ahead of the Pharisees. Jesus was their righteousness. Now that's good news!


Jesus, thank you for taking sin out of the way so that we can enter the kingdom of God. Help me to trust that. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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