【双语灵修】神的国的祝福Kingdom Blessings

“他们离开 …, 心里欢喜,因被算是配为这名受辱。” - 徒 5:41
在这个月的灵修文章中,我多次提及神的国的模式,但这是很难定义的。不过,在我们今天所读的经文马太福音第5章 - 通常被称为“登山宝训”- 耶稣提出了一些属于神国“模式”的渴望、态度、和行为。
当你读登山宝训时,试想像一下耶稣所形容的群体。这是一个谦卑、温顺、和清心的群体;他们会哀悼痛苦和悲伤; 他们会怜悯人和使人和睦 - 完全是因为他们饥渴慕义。
关键是耶稣自己 - 和这个群体对祂的忠诚。因为这个世界和它的势力都要在我们的生命中居首位,如果我们跟从神国的模式去生活,我们便有麻烦了。
然而跟从神国的模式也会带来祝福。我们会得到安慰去减轻悲伤和痛苦,得到怜悯去克服不公义,和有因致力去做正确的事而带来的满足。此外我们会被欢迎进入神的家庭 - 一个我们可以称为家的地方,一个可以归属的地方。而最重要的,就是在神的国里我们会见到神和与祂同住!

马太福音 5:3-10
Kingdom Blessings
"The apostles left . . . rejoicing because they had been counted worthy of suffering disgrace for the Name." - Acts 5:41
More than once in these meditations, I have referred to the way of the kingdom. There's no definition for it. But in our reading from Matthew 5 today—often called "The Beatitudes"—Jesus names a number of desires, attitudes, and behaviors that are part of the kingdom "way."
As you read the Beatitudes, imagine the community Jesus describes. It's a community of people who are humble, meek, and pure-hearted; who mourn over sorrow and pain; who show mercy and make peace—all because they hunger and thirst for what is right.
You would think this kind of community would be inoffensive. That neighbors would be happy to have them around. But Jesus says the community may also be persecuted: hated, insulted, excluded, falsely accused, and more.
The sticking point is Jesus himself—and the community's first loyalty to him. That's because the world and its kingdoms would rather be first in our lives. So trouble may come to us who live by the way of the kingdom.
But blessings come too. There's comfort to ease our sorrow and pain. Mercy to overcome injustice. Satisfaction in working for changes to do what's right. There's also welcome in the household of God—a place to call home, a place to belong. Above all, in the kingdom itself we will see and live with God!
Jesus, thank you for showing us a better "way" and for going ahead of us. What a wonderful hope we have in you: the kingdom of God! Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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