【双语灵修】调整图画Adjusting The Picture


【双语灵修】调整图画Adjusting The Picture


“他们又把两个强盗,和他同钉十字架。一个在右边,一个在左边。” - 可 15:27


所以我们需要不断提醒自己,耶稣是一个与众不同的君王,祂的国也是一个与众不同的国 - 是这个世界从未见过的。

雅各和约翰仍需要学习这点,因为他们想像中的君王耶稣,是坐在镀金的宝座上的,而他们希望坐在祂的身旁。他们想藉着接近耶稣来得到权力 - 这显明他们不明白耶稣的荣耀是什么,也不明白祂国度的模式。耶稣说他们想要的位置已经预留给别人,结果是有两个强盗与耶稣一同钉十架,一个在右,一个在左。




马可福音 10:35-40


Adjusting The Picture

"They crucified two rebels with him, one on his right and one on his left." - Mark 15:27

What picture forms in your mind when you think of a king? Maybe it's a handsome man with a golden crown on his head and a jeweled scepter in his hand. Maybe it's someone giving orders while others bow before him and do as he says. Most likely, when we think of a king, the last thing we picture is a cross.

That's why we have to keep reminding ourselves that Jesus is a different kind of king, and that his kingdom is a different kind of kingdom—different from anything the world has ever seen.

James and John still had to learn that. They pictured King Jesus sitting eventually on a gold-plated throne, and they wanted to be sitting right next to him. They wanted the power that comes with proximity—and that showed they didn't understand the glory of Jesus. They didn't understand the way of his kingdom. Jesus said that the places they wanted were reserved for others. And it turned out that two rebels were crucified on the right and the left of Jesus.

Here's what it adds up to. Forget the gold. King Jesus "sits" on a throne made of two crossed pieces of wood. And his glory is to do the will of God. King Jesus suffers and dies because his kingdom is about mercy and forgiveness rather than about power and conquest. We need to keep adjusting our picture accordingly.


Lord Jesus, you are such a strange king. Your kingdom is strange too. And that's good because it's exactly what this world needs. We need it too. Every day. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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