【双语灵修】耶稣做得对Jesus Does What Is Right


【双语灵修】耶稣做得对Jesus Does What Is Right


“耶稣说:‘撒但退去吧!因为经上记着说:当拜主你的神,单要侍奉他。’” - 太 4:10

我们很容易便会遇到试探,因为到处都有试探我们的事情 - 包括来自我们内心的和从各方面攻击我们的试探。


然而这个想法是说不通的,对与错的观念其实是宇宙的一部份。就如神创造时定了海洋和日夜的界限,祂也为我们的道德行为定了界限。第一条命令 - 不可以吃那棵树上的果子,是神第一次试验我们的祖先对祂的服从的道德诫命。这条诫命后来扩阔了范围,成为神对祂的子民的诫命;我们可以在出埃及记 20章、弥迦书 6:8、马太福音 22:37-40、和其他经文,看到这些诫命的撮要。我们往往会受到诱惑去违背所有的诫命;我们不尊重神和伤害他人;我们心存欲念、我们嫉妒、我们为琐事发怒。若在这些事情上屈服,便可能会导致奸淫、偷窃和暴力行为了。

感谢神,耶稣胜过了撒但所有的试探(马太福音 4:1-11)。祂在神的宝座前完全无瑕地代表了我们每一个人。



创世记 3:1-7


Jesus Does What Is Right

"Jesus said to him, 'Away from me, Satan! For it is written: 'Worship the Lord your God and serve him only.'" - Matthew 4:10

It's easy for us to be tempted. There are temptations everywhere—within our hearts and coming at us from all sides.

Satan provides a master class on temptation in Genesis 3. He begins by suggesting that God is keeping us from enjoying something good. "Did God really say you can't eat anything in this garden? Poor soul." And when we feel we are missing out on something, the devil adds, "You can do this. Nothing bad will happen." Then the thing we want looks good, and we think it will do us good. And we say, "Yes, that's what I want. I'll try it. It won't hurt."

But it doesn't work out that way. Right and wrong are really built into the universe. Just as God created limits for the waters and times for light and dark, he also created limits for our moral behavior. The first command—don't eat the fruit of that one tree, was the initial moral law testing our parents' obedience. That has since been expanded into God's law for his people, summarized in Exodus 20, Micah 6:8, Matthew 22:37-40, and other passages. And we are tempted to break all of it. We dishonor God and hurt people. We lust, we envy, we get angry over trivialities. And yielding to these can lead into adultery, theft, and violence.

Thank God that Jesus resisted all of Satan's temptations (Matthew 4:1-11). He represents us in all his perfection before God's throne.


Father, thank you for sending Jesus and for crediting us with his perfection. Through his finished work we can stand before you. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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