【双语灵修】耶稣赐我们安息和平安Jesus Provides Rest And Peace


【双语灵修】耶稣赐我们安息和平安Jesus Provides Rest And Peace


“‘我心里柔和谦卑,你们当 … 学我的样式,这样,你们心里就必得享安息。’” - 太 11:29

创造了世界后神便休息了,神是否感到疲倦呢?不是。神休息是要为祂的子民制定一个模式让他们照着去做,好叫他们有休息和敬拜祂的时间(参看出埃及记 20:8-11)。能够在神里找到安息,让我们得享平安,这是神对我们每一个人的本意。

神希望祂的子民能够活在一个美好、平安的地方,在那里他们可以休息 - 换句话说,就是一个他们能够兴旺和得丰盛生命的地方。神带领祂的子民以色列人离开为奴之地,就是这个原因。可是以色列民背叛神,又不相信神能赐他们安息之所。尽管神最终都带领他们进入祂应许赐给他们的地土,但他们却承受不到神应许的安息(民数记 13-14章;士师记 2章;希伯来书 3:7-4:11)。


我们每一个人都在工作,我们每一个人都需要休息。可是我们中间却没有人能够作什么来为自己带来永恒的安息。然而,耶稣已为我们成就了这件事 - 所以,我们单单需要跟随祂便可以了。藉着耶稣为我们作成的工,我们便可以在神里安息和找到平安了。



创世记 2:2-3;马太福音 11:28-30;罗马书 5:1-2


Jesus Provides Rest And Peace

"Learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. " - Matthew 11:29

Did God rest after creating the world because he was tired? No. When God rested, he set up a pattern for his people to follow so that they could take time to rest and to worship him (see Exodus 20:8-11). Finding our rest in God provides peace, as God intends for us all.

God wants his people to be able to live in a good, peaceful place where they can rest—that is, where they can flourish and have full life. God brought his people Israel out of slavery for that purpose. But Israel rebelled and failed to believe that God could provide that for them. So they did not inherit God's promised rest even though God eventually brought them to the land he had promised them (Numbers 13-14; Judges 2; Hebrews 3:7-4:11).

Later God sent Jesus to show the way. Jesus knew that God could overcome any enemy that tried to prevent him from living God's way and entering God's promised rest. Jesus lived faithfully, trusting in all of God's promises. And he finished the work God had sent him to do.

We all work, and we all need rest. But none of us can do the job that will bring us eternal rest. Jesus has done that for us, however—so now all we need to do is follow him. We can rest and find peace in God through the work that Jesus has completed on our behalf.


Dear God, forgive us when we fail to believe and trust that you will bring us into your rest. We cannot find the way to full life on our own. Help us to follow the Savior, Jesus. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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