【双语灵修】耶稣为我们胜过试探Jesus Passes The Test For Us

耶稣更付上祂的生命来替我们偿还罪债 - 好让我们能够永远与神一起。

【双语灵修】耶稣为我们胜过试探Jesus Passes The Test For Us


“耶稣被圣灵引到旷野,受魔鬼的试探。” - 太 4:1

从最初开始,人类便未能通过神的试验了。在伊甸园里,撒但说:“神岂是真说 …?”它跟着便误引神的话。结果亚当和夏娃质疑神的话、然后做了他们眼中看为对的事。我们也会这样做。

神的儿子耶稣到来成为一个人,活在我们中间。对耶稣来说,祂是被圣灵引到旷野受试探的。在那里,撒但提出一些听来颇为合理的建议 - “吃些东西吧;展示一下你的能力;你大可以堕进神的怀抱里。”耶稣引用圣经来回应每一个试探;祂没有曲解神的话,祂其实在说:“不,我是靠着神的话语生活的。”


我们需要倚靠唯一能够通过试验的耶稣。祂也曾“凡事受过试探,与我们一样;只是他没有犯罪”(希伯来书 4:15)。除此以外,耶稣更付上祂的生命来替我们偿还罪债 - 好让我们能够永远与神一起。祂是一位多么奇妙的救主啊!



马太福音 4:1-11


Jesus Passes The Test For Us

"Jesus was led by the Spirit into the wilderness to be tempted by the devil." - Matthew 4:1

Since the beginning, human beings have failed God's test. In Eden, Satan asked, "Did God say . . . ?" and then misquoted God's words. Adam and Eve responded by questioning the word of God and then doing what seemed right in their own eyes. So do we.

Jesus, the Son of God, came to live among us as a human being. And, in his case, the Spirit led Jesus into the wilderness to be tempted. There Satan made some suggestions that sounded rather reasonable—"have something to eat; show your power; fall into the arms of God." Jesus responded to each temptation with a quote from the Scriptures. Rather than twisting God's words, he said, in effect, "No, I live by the Word of God."

This is still our challenge as well. Will we live by God's Word, or will we do what seems right in our own eyes? Like Adam and Eve, we are experts at twisting God's words to suit our own purposes. We lie, we lust, we get angry, we are greedy, we gossip—and so on. Rarely does a day pass in which we don't yield to some temptation.

We need to rely on the only one who passed the test. Jesus was "tempted in every way, just as we are—yet he did not sin" (Hebrews 4:15). What's more, Jesus also laid down his life to pay the price for our sin—so that we can live forever with God. What a Savior!


Father, forgive us, for Jesus' sake, when we fail to live your way when we are tempted. Lord Jesus, thank you for living faithfully and giving your life for our sake. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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