【双语灵修】耶稣领我们进入真理Jesus Brings Us Into Truth


【双语灵修】耶稣领我们进入真理Jesus Brings Us Into Truth


“‘我就是道路、真理、生命。’” - 约 14:6

面对现实有时是困难的,特别是接受我们弄得一团糟这个事实就更困难了。于是我们转而找借口,我们认为自己是与人不同的:“我其实不是这个意思。”“我以为这样 … 是没有问题的。”等等借口。但是真理毕竟是真理,而耶稣就是真理。

然而更糟的是,我们漠视或否定一个绝对和决定性的真理 - 就是神的独生子耶稣拯救罪人的真理。尽管每一个人都清楚知道神的神性和存在的真理,但他们却往往阻挡它(罗马书 1:8-20),这就是我们每一个人都犯了的罪。我们明白这真理,但我们却不喜欢我们看到的,于是我们便说这不可以应用在我们身上,或者这是无关重要的。然而真理是重要的,欺骗自己是有重大影响的,而我们在关于神的事情上欺骗自己,就会带来更严重的影响了。

今天,我们活在媒体虚假报导的狂潮中;今天,为了顺应他们自己的看法或喜好,有极多在欺骗或扭曲真理的声音。然而,超越世上一切的欺诈的,是神在耶稣里的最终权柄 - 耶稣就是真理。你当相信祂说的话,和相信祂受死并且复活了,好叫你能得到永远的生命。



约翰福音 14:5-7,15-17;18:37


Jesus Brings Us Into Truth

"I am the way and the truth and the life." - John 14:6

It is sometimes hard to face the truth, especially when the truth is that we have messed up. Instead we make excuses. We think we are exceptional: "I didn't really mean it that way." "I thought it would be OK if . . ." And so on. But the truth is the truth. And Jesus is the Truth.

The worst thing we can do is to ignore or deny this absolute and final Truth—that Jesus is the one and only Son of God who saves sinners. Though the truth about God's nature and presence is clear to all, people tend to suppress it (Romans 1:18-20). We are all guilty of doing this. When we recognize the truth, we don't like what we see. So we think it isn't true for us, or that it doesn't matter. But the truth does matter. Lying to ourselves matters, and it matters most if we lie to ourselves about God.

Today we live in a media storm of falsehoods. Many, many voices today lie or bend the truth to suit their own views or preferences. But beyond all the deceptions in this world, the final authority is God in Jesus—the Truth himself. Believe what he says, and believe that he died and rose again so that you may have life everlasting.


Dear Jesus, forgive us for our lies. We lie to try to prove we are right. We lie to try to make ourselves look good. Forgive us especially if we lie about who you are and what you have done. Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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