【双语灵修】顺服在上有权柄的Obey the Governing Authorities

“在上有权柄的,人人当顺服他,因为没有权柄不是出于神的。” - 罗 13:1
然而,尽管我没有参与制定我国家的法律和政策,但我却没有权去漠视或违背它们。即使我认为这些法律是可憎和具毁灭性的,我也没有权去违背。不过,庆幸的是在很多像我国的国家,人民有权去抗议不公平的政策。而当一个政府的要求直接与神的要求背道而驰时,我们就必须选择神的要求(使徒行传5:29)。尽管该撒或许曾使用税款进行不法勾当,耶稣仍然教导衪的跟随者,该撒的物当归给该撒(马可福音 12:17)。

罗马书 13:1-7
Obey the Governing Authorities
"Let everyone be subject to the governing authorities, for there is no authority except that which God has established." - Romans 13:1
I have never met a president or a prime minister. (I did see Queen Elizabeth II of England from a distance on two occasions, though!) As a regular citizen, I have little influence over the laws and policies of my country. My vote is just one among millions, and attending policy meetings does little to set the nation's direction. This is true for immigration laws and policies as well as for most other laws.
But just because I do not write my country's laws and policies, I do not have the right to ignore them or to rebel against them. Even when I think the laws are horrible and destructive, I do not have the right to break them. Thankfully, however, in many countries like mine, people have the right to protest unfair policies. And if a government's demand is in direct conflict with God's commands, we must choose God's way (Acts 5:29). Still, Jesus taught his followers to give to Caesar what was due him (Mark 12:17), even though Caesar may have used taxes for unethical purposes.
Even when we are disillusioned with our government and its policies, we cannot use that as an excuse to treat other people poorly. Whether we are pro-immigration or anti-immigration, for example, the God who told Israel to love the foreigner among them also calls us to do the same, loving our neighbors as ourselves.
Lord Jesus, help us to obey our governing authorities as you did, and to love all our neighbors as ourselves. For your sake, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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