【双语灵修】慷慨施予的福份The Happiness Of Being Generous

“我凡事给你们作榜样,叫你们知道应当这样劳苦,扶助软弱的人,又当记念主耶稣的话,说:‘施比受更为有福。’” - 徒 20:35
金钱和物质可以是一种祝福,也可以是一种诱惑,这就是为什么神敦促我们管理好祂所赐给我们的一切。此外,做好管家不仅是指我们在教会中给予什么,它也关乎慷慨对待有需要的人。慷慨不是一种偶然的行为,而是一种基于福音的生活方式:“白白地得来,也要白白地舍去。”(太 10:8)。

使徒行传 20:32-35
The Happiness Of Being Generous
"In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive.'" - Acts 20:35
As the apostle Paul states here, quoting from the Lord Jesus himself, there is more joy in giving than in receiving. Jesus, of course, knew all about giving. He gave up his glorious life in heaven to become one of us and even to die for our sake, so that we can live with him forever. And he has returned to heaven to rule there and to prepare a place for us. Think of all the amazing blessings that Jesus has made possible!
Money and material goods can be a blessing or a temptation, and that's why God urges us to be good stewards of all that he gives us. In addition, good stewardship is not only about what we give in church; it's also about the generosity we show to people in need. Generosity is not an occasional activity but a lifestyle founded on the gospel: "Freely you have received; freely give," says the Lord (Matthew 10:8).
We are happy not when we accumulate treasures on earth, but when we gather them in heaven; not when we keep everything for ourselves, but when we give freely for the good of our neighbor.
Happiness is not in how much we have, but in how much we share. Is there someone in need near you whom you can bless with your generosity today?
Give me, O God, a merciful heart, willing to share with people in need. Remove selfishness from me so that I may be a generous giver. In the name of Jesus, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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