【双语灵修】合一之家的福份Happiness Of The United Family

“凡敬畏耶和华、遵行他道的人便为有福。” - 诗 128:1
诗篇128篇提醒神的子民家庭生活的祝福。(参见诗 127-128篇)。
一个在一切事上都愿意服事主的家庭是一个懂得幸福真谛的家庭。一个丈夫如果敬畏神,想要遵行神的旨意而活,他会竭尽全力为家人建立一个安全而敬虔的家。他爱他的妻子“正如基督爱教会,为教会舍己”(弗 5:25);他与妻子同心合意,忠诚于她,她“就像一棵多结果子的葡萄树”。他们互相尊重和关心。

诗篇 128篇
Happiness Of The United Family
"Blessed are all who fear the Lord, who walk in obedience to him." - Psalm 128:1
Psalms 128 reminds God's people of the blessings of family life. (See also Psalm 127; June 10.)
One of the greatest blessings we have is our family. A happy marriage is worth more than any fortune; a united family is worth more than any wealth. A family that honors God is a valuable testimony to the richness of God's blessing in life.
A family dedicated to serving the Lord in all things is a family that knows happiness. The husband who fears the Lord and wants to live God's way works with all his energy for a safe and godly home for his family members. He loves his wife "just as Christ loved the church and gave himself up for her" (Ephesians 5:25); he is united to and faithful to his wife, who is "like a fruitful vine." They respect and care for one another. And if they are blessed with children, their children are "like olive shoots," fruitful in bringing more blessing into their lives. Godly parents teach their children in the ways of the Lord so that they may be blessed all the days of their lives. And if God wills it, they may live to see their children's children, receiving even more blessing and joy from God's hand.
With blessing the Lord brings prosperity, peace, and joy to families who seek to honor him. When you honor God in your home, you will always have him as an ally.
Father, bless our homes and families with your love. Give us unity, joy, fidelity, forgiveness, and prosperity—that we may share with others and help them to know you too. In Christ, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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