【双语灵修】神扶持我们God Sustains Us
因为神是创造天地的主,没有什么能够分散或拿走衪对衪所爱的人类 - 尤其是对衪的儿女 - 的注意力的。
“保护以色列的,也不打盹,也不睡觉。” - 诗 121:4
诗篇121篇向我们保证,神对我们的细心看顾永远不会失误 - 衪也不会小睡片刻。这篇诗篇的背景是朝圣者往耶路撒冷守节敬拜的路上,纵使路途上的幽暗山岭和转角之间可能隐藏着危险,然而诗人向神的子民保证,耶和华必定会保护他们的。
神的子民怎能知道?因为神是创造天地的主,没有什么能够分散或拿走衪对衪所爱的人类 - 尤其是对衪的儿女 - 的注意力的。
诗篇 121
God Sustains Us
"Indeed, he who watches over Israel will neither slumber nor sleep." - Psalm 121:4
I often feel sleepy around three o'clock in the afternoon. Sometimes I'm even tempted to put my head on my desk for a quick doze. But that's not a good idea. Getting up and walking around will usually help to wake me up again.
In Psalm 121 we are assured that God's watchful attention never lapses—not even for a quick nap. The setting of this psalm is the pilgrim's road to Jerusalem for a worship festival. Though dangers may lurk in the shadowy hills and turns along the roadway, the psalmist assures God's people that the Lord will watch over them.
Nothing will prevent God from watching over us, says the psalmist: nothing in the day or night and nothing from any direction, because God does not sleep.
How do God's people know this? God is the Creator of the universe, and nothing can distract or draw his attention away from his beloved creatures, especially his children.
The all-powerful God who steers the universe has promised to watch over us wherever the journey of life takes us. With the confidence of knowing this, we can serve him in the world each day. With God's people throughout the ages, we can say boldly, "[Our] help comes from the Lord, the Maker of heaven and earth."
We know, Father, that you are our Creator, and we say with confidence that our help is in you. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳
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