【双语灵修】不肯睡觉Refusing Sleep
神是真正的满足和安息的唯一源头,藉着我们的身体和脑袋 - 在一切的思想、言语、和行为上,我们都需要尊崇衪。

“‘我不容我的眼睛睡觉,也不容我的眼目打盹,直等到我为耶和华寻得所在 …。’” - 诗 132:4-5
尽管神喜悦大卫的忠心,然而衪却不容许他建造圣殿,祂说建殿的差事是留给他的儿子所罗门的(参看撒母耳记下 7)。
虽然我们最好避免夸张地说“我永远不会 … ”这类的话,不过,我们尊崇神和让衪在我们的生命中居首位是一件美事。神是真正的满足和安息的唯一源头,藉着我们的身体和脑袋 - 在一切的思想、言语、和行为上,我们都需要尊崇衪。神也吩咐我们去建造:把我们的时间、才干、和钱财,投资在与衪一起作工来建造衪的教会和国度上。我们可以怎样做呢?我们可以藉着一起敬拜和祷告、彼此分担重担、和把关于衪的好消息传遍世界。

诗篇 132:1-5
Refusing Sleep
"I will allow no sleep to my eyes or slumber to my eyelids, till I find a place for the Lord. . . ." - Psalm 132:4-5
What's the longest time you've ever gone without sleep? On long trips sometimes, I've stayed awake for more than 30 hours. Normally I can only stay awake for relatively short periods of time. Even dogged determination won't keep me awake after a certain point. So what should we make of King David's plan not to sleep?
After consolidating his rule over Israel, David built a fine palace for himself. Afterward, though, he felt guilty for not building a splendid house for God. In Psalm 132 we hear about David's determination to build a marvelous temple for God. Using exaggerated language, he declares that he will not rest until he has found the right place for God to dwell.
Though God is pleased with David's devotion, he doesn't allow him to build the temple, saying that the task is for his son Solomon (see 2 Samuel 7).
Though it's wise to avoid making exaggerated "I will never . . ." statements, we do well to honor God and give him first place in our lives. God is the only source of true satisfaction and rest, and we need to honor him in all we think, say, and do—with our bodies as well as our minds. God also calls us to build: investing our time, talents, and treasure to work with him in building his church and kingdom. How? By worshiping and praying together, sharing each other's burdens, and bringing his good news to the world.
Lord, help us to please you and to join in building your church and kingdom at home and around the world. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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