【双语灵修】你找谁呢?Who Is It You Are Looking for?
无论你身处何种环境,无论你面临何种挣扎,请相信耶稣与你同在(太 28:20),祂知道你的名字。

“耶稣说:‘马利亚。’马利亚就转过来,用希伯来话对他说:‘拉波尼!’(拉波尼就是夫子的意思。)” - 约 20:16
我相信这就是马利亚的感受。耶稣死去的消息让她心情沉重。她知道耶稣的遗体被安放在坟墓里,她和另外一些人想确保祂的遗体被安排妥当了(可 16:1-7;路 24:1-12)。想像一下,当看到坟墓空空的时候,他们会有多惊讶。怎么会这样呢?
在与耶稣的门徒分享了这一消息(约 20:1-2)之后,马利亚回到坟墓前。她心情沉重,为主流下的泪水顺着脸庞淌下来。还有别人也在那里,是园丁吗?也许他知道些什么。
无论你身处何种环境,无论你面临何种挣扎,请相信耶稣与你同在(太 28:20),祂知道你的名字。

约翰福音 20:11-16
Who Is It You Are Looking for?
"Jesus said to her, 'Mary.' She turned toward him and cried out in Aramaic, 'Rabboni!' (which means 'Teacher')." - John 20:16
There are times in life when we have to do some things we don't want to do. Tough things. There's that phone call we have to make. Or that task ahead of us that looks bigger than we bargained for. Or maybe we have received news that shatters our thinking, and we can't imagine how we can deal with the situation.
I am sure that is how Mary felt. Her heart was heavy with the news of Jesus' death. She knew that his body was placed in the tomb, and she and some others had wanted to make sure his body was prepared properly (Mark 16:1-7; Luke 24:1-12). Imagine their surprise when the tomb was empty. How could this be?
After sharing the news with Jesus' disciples (John 20:1-2), Mary went back to the tomb and stood there. Her heart was heavy, and the tears for her Lord trickled down her face. Someone else was there too. A gardener? Perhaps he might know something.
He said, "Why are you crying? Who is it you are looking for?" Then he spoke her name. And she knew it was Jesus. Her whole outlook changed. What a glorious encounter!
Whatever circumstances you are in and no matter what struggles you are facing, be assured that Jesus is with you (Matthew 28:20) and that he knows your name.
When we are distracted by tough circumstances in our lives, thank you for interrupting us, Lord, to call our name. Thank you for being there and reminding us how much you love us. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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