【双语灵修】与人同在的影响力The Power of Presence

“‘但愿我们的主耶稣基督 … 安慰你们的心,并且 … 坚固你们。’” - 帖后 2:16-17
我们在一间餐馆坐下吃早餐时,Jack对我说:“我爱你,弟兄;我非常爱你!”他这样说大概已经是第十次了。我肯定不配得他的爱,因为我已经很多年没有见过Jack了。我坐在那里,是因为有另一个朋友比我更尽心与Jack 保持联络;我们早就应该安排这个早餐约会了。
这件事也帮助我记着,主耶稣是常常与我们同在的(马太福音 28:20)。

帖撒罗尼迦后书 2:13-17
The Power of Presence
"May our Lord Jesus Christ himself . . . encourage your hearts and strengthen you. . . ." - 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17
As we sat down for breakfast at a restaurant, Jack said to me for about the tenth time, "I love you, brother; I love you so much!" I certainly didn't feel worthy of that love because I hadn't seen Jack for years. I was there because a friend had faithfully kept up contact much better than I had done. So this breakfast meeting was long overdue.
Some years ago, I had been in contact with Jack quite a lot. He was going through a painful time with lots of personal struggles. He had a young daughter he was trying to care for, and I was one of several people who did our best to surround him with care and encouragement. He saw it all as a gift from Jesus.
But time passed, Jack moved to another area, and I hadn't seen him in a long time.
As I processed my own feelings of guilt for letting our friendship slide, I also began to see with new clarity what a gift Jack was to me. He showed me what resilient faith looks like in the midst of a hard story. Despite my long absence, he bore me no ill will—he was just overjoyed that I showed up. Another friend and I joked that we heard "I love you" that day more times from Jack than we had heard from our family members in a while. I was reminded of how powerful just being present can be.
This also helped me remember that the Lord Jesus is present with us always (Matthew 28:20).
Lord, thank you that no matter where we go, you are already there. Help us to bring your love to others. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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