【双语灵修】基督藉着圣灵赐下大能Power From Christ Through The Spirit

“那降下的,就是远升诸天之上要充满万有的。” - 弗 4:10

【双语灵修】基督藉着圣灵赐下大能Power From Christ Through The Spirit


“那降下的,就是远升诸天之上要充满万有的。” - 弗 4:10


类似的事情正在世上发生。耶稣基督的福音看似无力,就像一个瞎子。但请不要误会:事实并非如此!藉着在十字架上的死,基督让撒但蒙羞,松开了罪对我们的辖制。基督得着了所有的权柄(马太福音 28:18),并将其倾倒在祂的门徒身上。作为耶稣的跟随者,我们从圣灵得着能力。藉着圣灵,我们与耶稣一同掌权。我们在基督的得胜中与祂联合,所以我们也得着能力。





使徒行传 1:6-11


Power From Christ Through The Spirit

"He who descended is the very one who ascended higher than all the heavens, in order to fill the whole universe." - Ephesians 4:10

英语音频 English Audio

An African proverb says, “If a blind man says he will throw a stone at you, he probably has his foot on one.” In other words, don't underestimate the danger of a threat. When someone says something like that, you should be aware of the possibility of harm.

Something similar is happening in this world. The gospel of Jesus Christ may seem powerless, like a blind man. But make no mistake: the reality is different! By his death on the cross, Christ has put Satan to shame and has stripped away the power that sin had over us. Christ, having received all authority (Matthew 28:18), has poured it out on his disciples. As followers of Jesus, we have received power from the Holy Spirit, through whom we reign with him. We are united with Christ in his victory, so we too are powerful.

Christ has overcome, and we are therefore overcomers—but not by ourselves, for this is a gift. Christ's victory makes us rulers with him. It is important to recognize that we have this position in life. The Spirit in the church is proof of Christ's victory.

How are you demonstrating the power of the Holy Spirit in your life today? How is God calling you into servant leadership with the gifts he has given? Receive the Holy Spirit, and ask God for help in using the gifts he has given you.


Dear Jesus, thank you for the gift of the Holy Spirit. Thank you for the great gifts the Spirit has given us. Help us to demonstrate your power and love to the people around us. In your name, Amen.

诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳


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