【双语灵修】有教导,有听从Much to Teach, Much to Learn
“你们作儿女的,要在主里听从父母,这是理所当然的。” - 弗 6:

“你们作儿女的,要在主里听从父母,这是理所当然的。” - 弗 6:1

箴言 6:20-24;以弗所书 6:1-3
Much to Teach, Much to Learn
"Children, obey your parents in the Lord, for this is right." - Ephesians 6:1
We are currently experiencing a crisis of authority in Africa. In my country, the younger generation criticizes the older generation because conditions are often so bad. Many young people are more aware of their rights, which is a good thing—but they are often less willing to fulfill their duties. And for this reason the future does not look good.
Such generational issues probably exist outside of Africa as well. And Paul’s words here have much wisdom for young Christians everywhere.
For any of you in the younger generation, it is important to know that it is a great privilege to be a Christian. Paul is addressing you here, because you belong to the body of Christ. As young believers, you share in all the glorious promises of God. You are part of the church, and you have a special place in it. You have much to teach the church, and also much to learn and grow in—as do we all.
Obedience to your parents is a good thing—even a blessing, says Paul. Respect for parents fosters learning and flourishing between the generations. In fact, we are all called to obey our parents, regardless of our age. If you are young, or not so young anymore, how might God be calling you to improve your relationships with your parents or older friends? How might the Holy Spirit work through all our relationships with parents and older believers?
Holy Spirit, help us to grow in unity as a body of believers, young and old, called to be your witness in the world. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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