【双语灵修】神是供应者God, the Provider
“都吃,并且吃饱了 … 。” ― 太 14:20

“都吃,并且吃饱了 … 。” ― 太 14:20
我好奇的想知道,作为群众中一人的他会有甚么感受呢?想象一下,被数以千计的人包围着,里面有不同外型、身高和年纪的男女老少,你大概也会见到小孩子到处走动,父母正在尝试把他们集中在旁边,也有老年人蹒跚而行,希望找到一个靠近耶稣的地方,好让他们能够清楚地听到祂的话。现场或许就是一个被称为“有组织的混乱”的典型例子。面对着饥饿的跟随者,就是耶稣的门徒也不知道该怎么办(参看太 14:15-17)。
在如此混乱的场面中,看到耶稣面露镇静和胸有成竹的表情,我们有甚么感受 呢?耶稣怎能知道,祂只用“五个饼和两条鱼”,就能喂饱这么多饥饿的人呢?

马太福音 14:13-21
God, the Provider
"They all ate and were satisfied. . . ." - Matthew 14:20
This story about feeding more than 5,000 people is usually told from the viewpoint of the disciples. I wonder what it was like to be a person in the crowd. Imagine being surrounded by thousands of people—men and women of all shapes, sizes, and ages. You would probably see young children running around as parents tried to corral them along the shoreline. And seniors slowly shuffling to find a place close enough to Jesus so they could hear him speak. It was probably an example of what people have called "organized chaos." Even Jesus' disciples didn't know what to do with the hungry followers (see vv. 15-17).
What was it like to see the calm and measured face of Jesus in the midst of such a hectic scene? How did Jesus know he could feed all those hungry people with just "five loaves of bread and two fish"?
Jesus knew he could feed the starving crowd because he was and is the Son of God, who not only provided the bread and fish but also created the earth and established everything in it, from the waters where the fish lived to the land that provided the grain used to bake bread. Knowing the power of the Creator gave Jesus the opportunity to invite others to know him too.
Great God, thank you for your constant provision, and forgive me when I fail to see your grace and mercy in the everyday rhythms of life. Thank you also for your Son, Christ Jesus, and for the life you provide through him for us all. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳

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