【双语灵修】不再有黑夜NO MORE NIGHT
「不再有黑夜。」-启 22:5
启示录 22:1-5
1天使又指示我在城内街道当中一道生命水的河,明亮如水晶,从神和羔羊的宝座流出来。2在河这边与那边有生命树,结十二样果子,每月都结果子,树上的叶子乃为医治万民。 3 以后再没有咒诅。在城里有神和羔羊的宝座,他的仆人都要侍奉他, 4也要见他的面。他的名字必写在他们的额上。5不再有黑夜,他们也不用灯光、日光,因为主神要光照他们。他们要做王,直到永永远远。
“There will be no more night.” - Revelation 22:5
Throughout the Bible, God uses the metaphors of light and darkness and of day and night to highlight a constant tension. Will God’s light flourish and fill creation, or will God’s creation fall back into the original darkness,the formlessness and emptiness in which God started to create?
We feel that tension every time we hear about another war, natural disaster, or corrupt leader. The tension comes home when we don’t have enough money to make ends meet, when our relationships break, and when we receive news that the battle for life and death is in our own bodies. We wonder, “Will we ever get out of this mess?”
God gently reassures John and us that our present sufferings will not have the final word. God shows John that through Jesus a day is coming when all of life will flourish beyond John’s wildest imaginings. Fruit trees whose very leaves bring healing to all the peoples of the world will flourish in the heart of God’s new creation, bearing new crops every month!
God also reveals that “there will be no more night” in this new creation. The threat of darkness and all that it symbolizes throughout the Bible will be removed. By God’s lavish grace, evil will no longer distort or diminish life anywhere within God’s new creation. Even now, God is at work making everything new!
Hallelujah! Lord God, equip us to live confidently, even boldly in expectation of your new creation. Please bring this day about soon, we pray. Come, Lord Jesus!
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳
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