【双语灵修】让我们准备好去接受!MAKE US READY TO RECEIVE!

「『如今我将这地摆在你们面前,你们要进去得这地,就是耶和华向你们列祖亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各、起誓应许赐给他们和他们后裔为业之地。」-申 1:8
很多人都会定下新年大计和承诺来开始新的一年,可是这个方法却甚少有效。去接受神的赐与时,我们必须相信祂已为我们预备好了某些东西,也必须摒除我们不配或不值得蒙神赐福的想法。我们可以想象和猜测神将会为我们做甚么,然而我们其实不知道(参看哥林多前书 2:9)。
去接受神的赐与时,我们必须相信祂必定会按祂所说的而行。我们不可以倚靠自己的理解或老是想着过去,因为我们可能忽略了神手所作的工(以赛亚书 43:19)。当神轻推我们前进时,我们不应该让畏惧令自己滞留在舒适圈,或满足于我们的现况,我们是不可以说服自己不去做神要我们去做的事。

我们的神在何烈山晓谕我们说:『你们在这山上住的日子够了, 要起行转到亚摩利人的山地和靠近这山地的各处,就是亚拉巴、山地、高原、南地、沿海一带迦南人的地,并黎巴嫩山,又到伯拉大河。如今我将这地摆在你们面前,你们要进去得这地,就是耶和华向你们列祖亚伯拉罕、以撒、雅各起誓应许赐给他们和他们后裔为业之地。』
“See, I have given you this land. Go in and take possession of the land the Lord swore he would give to your fathers—to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob—and to their descendants after them.” —Deuteronomy 1:8
Every new year brings new opportunities and challenges. May the Lord prepare us to receive something new this year to improve our lives.
Many people begin the year by making New Year's resolutions and promises, but that approach rarely works well. To receive from God, we must believe that he has prepared something for us. We need to dismiss thoughts of not being worthy or deserving of God’s blessings. We may imagine and speculate what God will do for us, but we do not really know (see 1 Corinthians 2:9).
To receive from God, we must believe he will do as he says. We cannot lean into our own understanding or dwell too much on the past because we might miss seeing God’s hand at work (Isaiah 43:19). When God nudges us forward, we cannot allow fear to keep us in our comfort zone or be satisfied with our current situation. We cannot talk ourselves out of what God wants to do.
Let us remember our history with God and be ready to receive. We can trust him and respond in obedience. We can ask the Holy Spirit to help us receive God’s blessings in this new year. God wants us to step out and receive the blessings he has in store for us.
Gracious God, as we begin this new year, we want to be ready for whatever you have prepared. Awaken us each day to the newness of life in you. Amen.

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