「因为耶和华你的神在你手里所办的一切事上已赐福于你。你走这大旷野,他都知道了。」-申 2:7
神想我们工作,祂也想赐福给我们所办的事。当我们认为自己不够资格或没有能力做工作时,神会补足我们所需。我们可以放下消极的想法,然后去做神呼召我们去做的事。神已经为我们预备了工作—无论是甚么工作—我们做时都可以「从心里做,像是给主做的」,祂是我们真正和慈爱的「主人」,而不是世上的主人(歌罗西书 3:23)。无论神赐下甚么我们可以用来办事的恩赐,它们都能够打开新的和意料不到的机会之门,使我们得福。我们能结果子,而福气也会因此倍增。

申命记 2:1-8
The Lord your God has blessed you in all the work of your hands. He has watched over your journey through this vast wilderness. —Deuteronomy 2:7
We can be encouraged because God will bless all the work of our hands, whether we earn an income, raise a family, maintain a household, volunteer to help immigrants or youth, serve the church, or serve our community. God is the source of all our blessings and the work given to us. Our work is for his glory. And we know we can work to our fullest because God will bless all the work of our hands.
God wants us to work, and he wants to bless our work. When we think we are not qualified or capable of doing our work, God will provide for our needs. We can cast aside negative thoughts and do the work God has called us to do. God has provided our work for us—whatever it may be—and we can work at it “with all [our] heart, as working for the Lord”; he is our true and loving Master, not a human master (Colossians 3:23). Whatever gifts God has given us to work with can open doors to new and unexpected opportunities for blessings. We will bear fruit, and the blessings will multiply.
During their long time in the wilderness, the Israelites worked with their hands, following God’s direction, and God blessed them. They had everything they needed because God provided, and they worked to honor him. God gave them enough for themselves and some to give away. God desires for us to flourish!
Loving God, thank you for all your blessings. If we are discouraged in our work, remind us that we work for you. Amen.

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