「『你不要怕他们,因那为你争战的是耶和华你的神。』」-申 3:22
当我们感到害怕时,最能帮助我们的,是去回顾神曾怎样显明祂的慈爱、看顾和能力。我们可以信靠信实的主,我们不需要害怕(诗篇 27:1)。
当心怀敌意的君王和他们的军队威吓以色列民时,摩西要面对他自己的恐惧(参看申命记 2:24-3:11)。然而神告诉他不用害怕,因为神会打败他们的敌人。当以色列民渡过约但河时,神告诉摩西要鼓励和加力给约书亚,好叫他也信靠神,不要倚赖自己的能力,也不要害怕其他邦国。
申命记 3:21-28
“Do not be afraid of them; the Lord your God himself will fight for you.” —Deuteronomy 3:22
I do not know of anyone who has not been afraid of something or someone at some time in their life. Have you experienced the fear of a medical diagnosis, or of being harmed, or of being threatened by someone in authority, or of moving from a place of comfort and safety to a place that could be unwelcoming or even dangerous? Have you feared growing old, or being alone in old age, or perhaps losing your abilities or something you have worked for? Have you been afraid of losing loved ones or even your own life?
When we are afraid, it can be helpful to recall times when God demonstrated his love, care, and power. We can trust in the Lord, who is faithful. We do not have to be afraid (Psalm 27:1).
Moses faced his own fears when hostile kings and their armies threatened the people of Israel (see Deuteronomy 2:24-3:11). But God told him not to be afraid because God would defeat their enemies. God told Moses to encourage and strengthen Joshua so that he too would trust God and not rely on his own abilities or be afraid of other nations as they crossed the Jordan River.
We can face our fears on our own, or we can listen to God. We should obey when the Spirit nudges or tells us to be still. God has our back. He will give us strength and courage to stand. The Lord is always with us and will always take care of us.
Thank you, Lord, that I do not have to face my fears alone. I will trust you to give me strength and courage to stand. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
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