「耶和华你神原是有怜悯的神,他总不撇下你、不灭绝你,也不忘记他起誓与你列祖所立的约。」-申 4:31
Angela是初信主的基督徒,她不断问圣经老师Mrs. Green,她怎样才能确实知道神总会在她身边支持她。
然而,每当Angela与圣经老师交谈时,她都得到鼓励。Mrs. Green告诉她,她是神所爱的女儿,神永远不会离开她。神从没撇下祂的儿女,祂爱我们,而我们是属于祂的。无论我们落在甚么境况中,祂总会与我们一起,没有甚么能使我们与神的慈爱和祂的同在隔绝(罗马书 8:38-39)。神是可靠的。
Angela很想在信仰路上成长,Mrs. Green以神的真理鼓励她。Angela明白神的应许不是基于我们的想法或感受,神乃是忠于祂所说的话。Mrs. Green 说:「Angela,你要祈祷、读圣经和相信神的话。祂不会撇下你,纵使你的想法不是这样,但祂就在妳身旁。」Angela相信了。
申命记 4:23-31
The Lord your God is a merciful God; he will not abandon or destroy you or forget the covenant with your ancestors, which he confirmed to them by oath. —Deuteronomy 4:31
Angela was a new Christian. She repeatedly asked her Bible-study teacher, Mrs. Green, how she would know that God was there for her.
Angela was in her teens and was having a difficult time since her parents’ divorce. She and her mother had moved 700 miles away, and she saw her father only once a year.
At one point, Angela's mother had some financial challenges. So Angela had to go and move in with her father and his new family. She felt that she had to be good, or God would leave her. Angela never told her mother about her abandonment issues.
Angela felt encouraged, however, whenever she talked with her Bible-study teacher. Mrs. Green told her that she was God's beloved daughter and that God would never leave her. God does not abandon his children. He loves us, and we belong to him. He is always with us, no matter where we find ourselves. Nothing can separate us from God's love and presence (Romans 8:38-39). God can be trusted.
Angela wanted to grow in her faith journey. Mrs. Green encouraged her with God’s truth. Angela learned that God’s promises are not based on our thoughts or feelings. God is faithful to his word. Mrs. Green said, “Angela, pray, read the Bible, and believe God’s words. He will not abandon you. Even when you might not think so, he is there.” And Angela believed.
Lord, help me always to believe you are with me, even if I do not feel your presence. Amen.
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