申命记 10:12
「耶和华你神向你所要的是甚么呢?只要你敬畏耶和华你的神,遵行他的道,爱他,尽心尽性侍奉他。」-申 10:12
当遇到引诱我们违背神的话语的干扰时,我们应怎样做呢?我们可以祈求圣灵帮助,和加力给我们,我们便能继续靠近神;可以将我们邪恶的心意和欲望控制住(哥林多后书 10:5);可以让主做我们的锚,好叫我们不会轻易被自己犯罪的本性摇动;可以以圣经为乐,和默想神的话语。

What does the Lord . . . ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve [him] . . . with all your heart and . . . soul . . . ? —Deuteronomy 10:12
Each day brings challenges to walk in obedience to God.
Sometimes we get off track following friends headed in the wrong direction. We can have strong desires for material possessions, popularity, and behaviors that do not please the Lord. We might fear what others think or say and stop following the Lord. These are only a few ways in which we struggle to obey God and stay on the path he has marked out for us. Under some circumstances, we do not resist wrong desires and overwhelming fears; they distract us, consciously and unconsciously.
God calls us, however, to live in ways that honor him and align with his Word. With the Holy Spirit's help, we can live an obedient life as we follow Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior. Jesus is our example. He remained obedient even as he died on the cross for our sake.
What should we do with distractions that tempt us to disobey God’s Word? We can stay close to the Lord by asking the Holy Spirit to help and strengthen us. We can take captive our sinful thoughts and desires (2 Corinthians 10:5). We can anchor ourselves in the Lord so that we are not easily swayed by our sinful nature. We can delight in the Scriptures and meditate on God’s Word.
Lord, I want to walk in obedience. Give me the grace and power of the Holy Spirit to faithfully follow Jesus with all my heart and with all my soul. Amen.

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