【双语灵修】事奉耶和华SERVE THE LORD

「耶和华你神向你所要的是甚么呢?只要你敬畏耶和华你的神,遵行他的道,爱他,尽心,尽性侍奉他。」-申 10:12
有很多作仆人的例子,而耶稣是最佳的典范。借着为门徒洗脚,耶稣教导他们怎样彼此服侍。在受死的前一晚,祂拿起一条手巾和一盆水,扮演仆人的角色(约翰福音 13:1-17),藉此让门徒看到爱和谦卑。祂关心他们怎样彼此结连;祂关心他们会为其他人立下甚么的榜样;祂呼召他们要像祂那样到来世上服侍人。

What does the Lord . . . ask of you but to fear the Lord your God, to walk in obedience to him, to love him, to serve [him] . . . with all your heart and . . . soul . . . ? —Deuteronomy 10:12
There are many examples of servanthood. The best model is Jesus. He showed his disciples how to serve one another by washing their feet. On the night before he died, he took a towel and a bowl of water and assumed the role of a servant (John 13:1-17). In that way Jesus showed his disciples love and humility. He cared about how they related to one another. He cared about the example that they would set for others. He called them to serve others just as he came to serve.
We are called to serve with all our heart and soul and without judging, showing discrimination, or expecting payback. God blesses humility, compassion, righteousness, and pure motives. He cares about how we relate to each other. And we all need help in learning how to serve.
No matter where we serve, we can reflect Jesus’ character and act as an example to the world. The song “Make Me a Servant” is a beautiful prayer and vision of being called to serve with all our heart and soul for our witness in the world and for God’s glory:
Make me a servant, humble and meek.
Lord, let me lift up those who are weak.
And may the prayer of my heart always be . . .
Make me a servant today.
Lord, strengthen me to serve you with all my heart and all my soul for your glory and to be a witness in this world. For Jesus’ sake, Amen.

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