申命记 29:9-15, 29
「隐秘的事是属耶和华我们神的,唯有明显的事是永远属我们和我们子孙的,好叫我们遵行这律法上的一切话。」-申 29:29
我们可以想到很多原因为何神不把一切告知我们。毕竟祂是神,是创造我们的那位。作为祂的受造物,我们不可能是神。祂的意念和道路不是我们的,而是高过我们的(以赛亚书 55:8-9)。神呼召我们信靠祂,当我们不明白神的道路和意念时,我们的信心便更深。作为信徒,我们学会信任祂的引领。
圣灵打开我们的心窍去明白关于神的事。作为信徒,我们得蒙丰盛的祝福,因为有神的灵住在我们中间。「圣灵参透万事,就是神深奥的事也参透了…,除了神的灵,也没有人知道神的事。我们所领受的,并不是世上的灵,乃是从神来的灵,叫我们能知道神开恩赐给我们的事」(哥林多前书 2:10-12)。我们可以信靠圣灵来教导我们需要知道的事,也可以信靠那晓得万事的主会保守我们,和必定会持守祂的应许。

The secret things belong to the Lord our God, but the things revealed belong to us and to our children forever, that we may follow all the words of this law. —Deuteronomy 29:29
As we read and reflect on this passage about God’s covenant and what he has revealed to his people, we understand that we don’t know everything. God has chosen not to reveal everything to us. We do not have access to all things.
We can think of many reasons why God does not tell us everything. He is God, after all, the one who created us. As his creatures, we cannot be God. His thoughts and ways are not ours, and they are higher than ours (Isaiah 55:8-9). God calls us to have faith in him, and our faith can grow deeper when we do not understand God’s ways and thoughts. As believers, we learn to trust his guidance.
The Spirit opens our minds to understand things about God. As believers, we are blessed abundantly because the Spirit of God comes to live within us. “The Spirit searches all things, even the deep things of God . . . no one knows the thoughts of God except the Spirit of God. What we have received is not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, so that we may understand what God has freely given us” (1 Corinthians 2:10-12). We can trust the Spirit to teach us what we need to know, and we can trust that the Lord, who knows all things, will keep us in his care and will always keep his promises.
Spirit of God, thank you for helping us understand what has been revealed to us. Help us to be at peace in knowing that we do not know everything but that you know all things. Amen.

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