【双语灵修】爱心日用的饮食 Daily Bread


【双语灵修】爱心日用的饮食 Daily Bread


“‘我们日用的饮食,今日赐给我们… ’” - 太 6:11



我们对神赐我们日用饮食的回应,往往显示出我们与神有怎样的关系。我们是否信靠神供应、还是尝试靠自己的能力来应付呢?我们又能否看见圣经中多处提到食物的经文,都往往指向神所赐给我们、以滋养我们的生命之粮 - 耶稣呢?



马太福音 6:9-13


Daily Bread

"Give us today our daily bread. . . ." - Matthew 6:11

As I was growing up, my parents led our family in reading Today devotions after supper each day. One of us four kids would read the Bible passage, and another would read the meditation. It's no wonder that, for me, reading and reflecting on Scripture is strongly associated with eating bread. Maybe you also read these devotions in connection with a meal. How does your experience of eating influence your appreciation for the nourishment of God's Word?

Jesus taught his disciples to pray by saying "Give us today our daily bread." And this reveals a few things. We can boldly ask God to provide for our daily needs. And we can trust that God does provide, though not always in a way we might expect. Our daily bread is something we need, and we are encouraged to ask for it every single day. The Bible is filled with marvelous stories of how God feeds and cares for his people, showing in particular that bread is a rich symbol of God's provision and presence.

Our response to God's gift of daily bread is often an indicator of where we stand in relationship with God. Do we trust God to provide, or do we try to take things into our own hands? And can we see that the many passages about bread in the Bible somehow point to the nurturing gift of Jesus, the bread of life, who is given for us?

Lord, we are hungry—in body and soul—for what only you can provide. "Give us today our daily bread." In Jesus' name, Amen.


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