每日箴言 【双语灵修】进入祂的安息Enter His Rest fly May 7, 2024 • 5 min read </audio8 音频“‘安息日几时过去?我们好摆开麦子。’卖出用小升斗,收银用大戥子,用诡诈的天平欺哄人 … 。” - 摩 8:5很多富裕和有权有势的商人以及其他领袖,都蔑视神的安息和公平。对他们来说,安息日不是藉着遵行身体和灵性上的安息来尊崇神对祂子民应许的日子。他们反而讨厌安息日,因为它妨碍了他们进行诡诈和不公平手段的交易。他们就像在说:“安息日几时过去,好让我们可以抬高麦子的价钱和用诡诈的天平欺骗百姓呢?我们要置他们于贫穷之地,这样我们便能够用一双鞋的价钱买他们回来做我们的仆人和奴隶了!与此同时,我们仍然假装是仁慈、敬畏神和奉公守法的市民。”他们的罪行,差不多违背了每一条神在百姓进入应许地之前颁布的律例。以色列国是要成为一个崇尚真理和公平的国家,可是大多数领导阶层的人都蔑视那些重要的价值观。神的裁决:“我要把他们从我的国驱逐出去。我这样做,不是我的意愿,而是因为你正在过着不公平、未获宽恕、离弃神的生活。”就让我们审察一下我们自己的心思和意念,看看我们是否按着神的吩咐生活吧!祷告主耶稣,今天求你差你的灵进入我们的心思意念中,又引领我们以你国度的价值观来生活,而不要跟随这个世界的模式。阿们。阿摩司书 8章1主耶和华又指示我一件事:我看见一筐夏天的果子。2他说:“阿摩司啊,你看见什么?”我说:“看见一筐夏天的果子。”耶和华说:“我民以色列的结局到了,我必不再宽恕他们。”3主耶和华说:“那日,殿中的诗歌变为哀号,必有许多尸首在各处抛弃,无人作声。”4你们这些要吞吃穷乏人,使困苦人衰败的,当听我的话!5你们说:“月朔几时过去,我们好卖粮;安息日几时过去,我们好摆开麦子。卖出用小升斗,收银用大戥子,用诡诈的天平欺哄人,6好用银子买贫寒人,用一双鞋换穷乏人,将坏了的麦子卖给人。”7耶和华指着雅各的荣耀起誓说:“他们的一切行为,我必永远不忘。8地岂不因这事震动,其上的居民不也悲哀吗?地必全然像尼罗河涨起,如同埃及河涌上落下。”9主耶和华说:“到那日,我必使日头在午间落下,使地在白昼黑暗。10我必使你们的节期变为悲哀,歌曲变为哀歌。众人腰束麻布,头上光秃,使这场悲哀如丧独生子,至终如痛苦的日子一样。”11主耶和华说:“日子将到,我必命饥荒降在地上。人饥饿非因无饼,干渴非因无水,乃因不听耶和华的话。12他们必漂流,从这海到那海,从北边到东边,往来奔跑寻求耶和华的话,却寻不着。13当那日,美貌的处女和少年的男子必因干渴发昏。14那指着撒马利亚牛犊起誓的说‘但哪,我们指着你那里的活神起誓’,又说‘我们指着别是巴的神道起誓’,这些人都必仆倒,永不再起来。”They Despised God's Rest"'When will... the Sabbath be ended that we may market wheat?'—skimping on the measure, boosting the price and cheating with dishonest scales..." - Amos 8:5Many of Israel's rich and powerful merchants and other leaders despised God's rest and justice. For them, the Sabbath was not a day for observing physical and spiritual rest in honor of God's promises to his people. Instead the Sabbath was an unwelcome intrusion into their crooked, unjust business practices.It was as if they said, "When will this Sabbath be over so that we can overcharge for wheat, and use faulty scales to cheat the people? We will drive them into poverty so that we can buy them as our servants and slaves for the price of a pair of shoes! And in the meantime we will pretend we are good, God-fearing, law-abiding citizens."Their sin was a violation of nearly every law that God had given to the people before they entered the promised land. Israel was intended to be a nation of truth and justice, but the ruling class generally despised those important values.God's verdict: "I will expel you from my kingdom. Not because I want to, but because you want to live unjust, unforgiven, and God-forsaking lives."Let's examine our own hearts and minds to see if we are living in the way God calls us to.PrayerLord Jesus, send your Spirit into our hearts and minds today. Guide us into living by the values of your kingdom rather than by the ways of this world. Amen.诵读: 骆云秀片头: 张妙阳关注“每日箴言”公号,订阅每日灵修。若支持我们的事工,可识别上方二维码“赞赏” Please enable Javascript to view comments. Comments powered by Talkyard.
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