受创伤的心灵的盼望 Hope For The Wounded Heart

圣经教导我们,在任何境况中我们都要向神求助 - 尤其是在面对伤痛和挣扎时则更加如此。

受创伤的心灵的盼望 Hope For The Wounded Heart


“耶和华啊,求你医治我,我便痊愈;拯救我,我便得救;因你是我所赞美的。” - 耶 17:14




圣经教导我们,在任何境况中我们都要向神求助 - 尤其是在面对伤痛和挣扎时则更加如此。尽管我们很痛苦或被往事困扰,然而神就在我们身旁,衪比我们所能想像的更加接近。我们可以像耶利米先知那样凭信心倚靠主。




耶利米书 17:14-17


Hope For The Wounded Heart

"Heal me, LORD, and I will be healed; save me and I will be saved, for you are the one I praise." - Jeremiah 17:14

Yesterday I shared about my grandfather who had fought in World War II and was badly wounded. A shell exploded close to his position, and he was hit with many pieces of shrapnel.

Later, in a makeshift hospital, a surgeon took out the bigger shell fragments. But smaller ones were left in my grandfather’s body for the rest of his life. As a result, he had difficulty passing through security scanners because pieces of metal under his skin would set off alarms.

Most of us do not experience such dramatic events in our lives. But we may carry bits and pieces of our traumas from the past. In our media ministry we often hear from people who cannot enjoy their life fully because of severe hurts they experienced years ago. Their wounds can still set off alarms in their daily living.

The Bible teaches us to turn to the Lord in every situation—particularly in our hurts and struggles. Though we may be in pain or feel haunted by old memories, God is closer than we realize. Like the prophet Jeremiah, we can lean on the Lord in faith.

Intellectually we may know that the Lord heals and saves. But when we trust him fully, his salvation and peace become our personal reality.


Father, set us free from the burdens of old traumas and bitter memories. Give us a heart of praise by assuring us of your love and salvation in Jesus. Amen.

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