【双语灵修】在监牢里睡觉Asleep In A Cell

“彼得被两条铁链锁着,睡在两个兵丁当中。看守的人也在门外看守。” - 徒 12:6
使徒行传讲述初代教会为传讲和教导有关耶稣而受到的苦难。希律王已处决了耶稣的一个门徒雅各;见到这样做能讨悦犹太人,希律王便捉拿了门徒的首领彼得,准备公开审判他(使徒行传 12:1-4)。然而我们从彼得戏剧性的逃脱,可见神是另有计划的。

使徒行传 12:5-10
Asleep In A Cell
"Peter was sleeping between two soldiers, bound with two chains, and sentries stood guard at the entrance." - Acts 12:6
Sometimes we awake from a dream feeling relieved that it was only a dream. Other times we awake and wish the dream were real.
After being locked up in prison, Peter awoke when an angel came to free him, "but he had no idea that what the angel was doing was really happening; he thought he was seeing a vision." Later he realized that a miracle had taken place and he was no longer in prison.
The book of Acts shows us what the early church suffered for preaching and teaching about Jesus. King Herod had executed James, one of Jesus' disciples. Seeing that his actions pleased the Jews, Herod arrested Peter, the disciples' leader, intending to try him in public (Acts 12:1-4). But God had other plans, as we see in Peter's dramatic escape.
This surprising episode teaches us some important things. For example, we see the power of prayer. After Peter's arrest, the church in Jerusalem prayed earnestly for him. God hears and answers the prayers of his people. We also see the passion and commitment of the early church to keep proclaiming the good news of Jesus, despite persecution. Their sharing of the love of Jesus changed the world, and our sharing of Jesus' love can do that too.
Lord Jesus, you suffered for us. Help us to embrace the cost of following you and sharing your story with our world. Amen.
诵读: 骆云秀
片头: 张妙阳

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