「列国要在城的光里行走;地上的君王必将自己的荣耀归于那城。」-启 21:24
在创世记第一章中,神的第一个创造是光。令人惊奇的是,在太阳、月亮和星星被创造出来之前,这第一道光就出现在黑暗中。今天的经文与创世记第一章遥相呼应:「那城内又不用日月光照;因有神的荣耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。」(启 21:23)神的荣耀是光的源泉,而耶稣则是神之光照耀的器皿!
这段关于神新创造的经文,会让我们觉得这是创世的第一天,是一个全新的开始。但这也带来一个问题:如果我们再次犯罪怎么办?我们还是人。难道我们不会像对待现在的世界一样,把这个新世界也毁了吗?神似乎预料到了这个问题,祂向约翰表明,人类关系、君王和王国的性质都将发生改变。「列国要在城的光里行走;地上的君王必将自己的荣耀归于那城。」(启 21:24)借着耶稣基督,神正在创造一个新的世界,在这个世界里,控制资源的权力斗争,以及各国之间的不信任和仇恨将不复存在。整个新的世界都喜悦神的良善,并要一起同住,做神的管家!那将是何等美好的一天!

启示录 21:22-27
22我未见城内有殿,因主神全能者和羔羊为城的殿。 23 那城内又不用日月光照,因有神的荣耀光照,又有羔羊为城的灯。24 列国要在城的光里行走,地上的君王必将自己的荣耀归于那城。 25 城门白昼总不关闭,在那里原没有黑夜。 26 人必将列国的荣耀、尊贵归于那城。 27 凡不洁净的,并那行可憎与虚谎之事的,总不得进那城,只有名字写在羔羊生命册上的才得进去。
“The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.” - Revelation 21:24
In Genesis 1, God’s first creation is light. Amazingly this first light appears in the darkness before the sun, moon, and stars are even created. Today’s passage echoes Genesis 1: “The city does not need the sun or the moon to shine on it, for the glory of God gives it light, and the Lamb is its lamp.” God’s glory is the source of light, and Jesus is the vessel through which God’s light shines in all its brilliance!
This passage about God’s new creation can make us feel like it’s the first day of creation all over again, a fresh start. But that brings up a question: What if we sin again? We’re still human. Won’t we make a mess of this new creation just as we have done with the current one?
As if anticipating that question, God shows John that the nature of human relationships, of kings and kingdoms, will be transformed. “The nations will walk by its light, and the kings of the earth will bring their splendor into it.” Through Jesus Christ, God is bringing about a new creation in which the power struggle to control resources and the distrust and hatred between people groups no longer exists. The whole of this new creation delights in God’s goodness and lives together as stewards of God’s creation! What a day that will be!
Creator God, thank you for making the future of this peaceable kingdom secure in Jesus Christ. As we celebrate Jesus’ birth, teach us also to look forward to his coming kingdom with joy-filled confidence. Amen.
诵读: 楚云
片头: 张妙阳

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