「那时,我对你们说:『管理你们的重任,我独自担当不起。」-申 1:9
新挑战是生活的一部分,假如我们既往的做法不再有效时,我们便不应该默守成规继续下去。当我们情绪上、生理上、或灵性上的担子太重,以致我们担当不起时,我们可以找一位牧者、家人、好朋友、或其他可信靠的人谈谈。我们当中很多人今天都在面对生活中令人感到焦虑的困境:家庭烦恼、经济困难、破碎关系、工作不如意、职场压力、社会问题。独自挣扎是不健康的,我们最终都需要别人的帮助,而主亦希望我们能互相担当各人的重担(加拉太书 6:2)。
作为耶稣的跟随者,我们可以借着作出明智的选择来减轻我们的重担。耶稣邀请我们来接受灵里的安息(马太福音 11:28-30),不用独自肩负起自己的重担,我们是可以把它交给主的。

申命记 1:9-18
At that time I said to you, “You are too heavy a burden for me to carry alone.” —Deuteronomy 1:9
Moses, the leader of God’s people during their long time of wandering in the desert, learned that he could not carry the heavy burdens of the people on his own. The Israelites had grown in number. Bearing their problems, burdens, and disputes was too much for one person to handle. So he shared the workload with other leaders from among the twelve tribes of Israel, and they developed a system that worked for everyone. (See also Exodus 18.)
New challenges are a part of life, and we cannot keep doing what we are used to if it no longer works. We can talk to a pastor, family members, close friends, or other trusted persons when our burdens are too much for us—emotionally, physically, or spiritually. Many of us today face an overload of situations that are causing anxiety in our lives: family concerns, financial troubles, broken relationships, work dissatisfaction, career pressures, societal issues. Struggling on our own is not healthy, and eventually we need help. The Lord wants us to share one another’s burdens (Galatians 6:2).
As followers of Jesus, we can make the right choice by lightening our burdens. Jesus invites us to receive rest for our souls (Matthew 11:28-30). We don't have to carry our burdens alone. We can give them to the Lord.
Lord Jesus, thank you for bearing our burdens. We are not alone. You have given us people who love and care for us. Help us to find rest for our souls and strength to carry on. Amen.

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