
申命记 33:1-5
「以下是神人摩西在未死之先为以色列人所祝的福。」-申 33:1
教会是有君尊的祭司,是被召成为别人的祝福的群礼(彼得前书 2:9),我们是神的祝福的领受者和传送者。祝福可以是正式或非正式的,祝福带来安慰、鼓励、平安和在现今直到未来的盼望。非正式的祝福可以包括我们的产业、家人、朋友、邻居、家庭、工作、邻里、社区等等。正式的祝福可以在一个崇拜中得到,就是当牧师邀请众人接受主赐的福(「好的话」)。

This is the blessing that Moses the man of God pronounced on the Israelites before his death. —Deuteronomy 33:1
In Moses’ blessing to Israel he reveals his desires, observations, and beliefs about what God would do for his people. We can imagine the sincerity and boldness in Moses’ voice. He would soon die, and they would soon enter the promised land.
The church is a royal priesthood, called to be a community of blessing (1 Peter 2:9). We are recipients and givers of God’s blessings. A blessing can be formal or informal, giving comfort, encouragement, peace, and hope for the present going into the future. Our informal blessings can include our possessions, family members, friends, neighbors, home, job, neighborhood, community, and more. A formal blessing can be delivered in a worship service, as a pastor invites the people to receive a benediction (“good word”) from the Lord.
We can give sincere, Spirit-led informal blessings to our brothers and sisters in Christ. These may be inspired by what we desire for a person’s good; what we have observed about their life, work, and spiritual gifts; and what we believe God can do in their life.
Our brothers and sisters need our blessings, and we do well to give them. Ask the Spirit to be aware of where blessings are needed and how to encourage someone with them. The Spirit of God will guide our thoughts and words.
Father God, thank you for our community of blessing. Use us to bless others by extending your love, joy, peace, and hope. In Jesus, Amen.

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