【双语灵修】与神的亲密关系INTIMACY WITH GOD

申命记 34:1-11
「以后以色列中再没有兴起先知像摩西的,他是耶和华面对面所认识的。」-申 34:10
耶和华主动在旷野的何烈山上与摩西建立关系,祂从荆棘火焰中向摩西显现,荆棘被火烧着,但却没有烧毁 (出埃及记第3章)。神呼叫他说:「摩西!摩西!」又叫他把鞋脱下,因为他所站之地是圣地。摩西顺服神,从这第一次的会面中,他得到了神同在的保证。神指示摩西去完成他的使命,而当摩西向祂说话时,神也在听,这是一个亲密关系的开始。
无论是私下的或是公开的, 与神同在是一个属灵的相遇。我们自己不能令它发生,一定是神把我们领到祂面前的。因为神永远与我们在一起,所以无论在甚么地方,我们随时随地都可以经历到祂的同在(诗篇 139:7-18;马太福音 28:20)。当我们读经、祈祷、敬拜、在狱中、在医院病床上、或是在洗碗碟时,我们都可以经历到神的同在。

Since then, no prophet has risen in Israel like Moses, whom the Lord knew face to face. —Deuteronomy 34:10
What an incredible privilege to have intimacy with God!
The Lord initiated his relationship with Moses at Mount Horeb in the wilderness by appearing to him from within a bush that was full of flames but did not burn up (Exodus 3). God called to him, “Moses! Moses!” and told him to take off his shoes, for he was standing on holy ground. Moses obeyed God and was assured of God’s presence from that initial encounter. God instructed Moses in carrying out his mission, and he listened when Moses spoke to him. It was the beginning of an intimate relationship.
Being in God’s presence is a spiritual encounter, whether private or public. We cannot make it happen on our own. The Lord must draw us to himself. We can experience God’s presence anywhere at any time because God is always with us, no matter where we are (Psalm 139:7-18; Matthew 28:20). We may experience God's presence while reading the Bible, praying, worshiping, serving a prison sentence, lying in the hospital, or washing dishes.
Sometimes we are desperate for intimacy with God. Like David, we may thirst and long for God’s presence (Psalm 42). The spiritual practices of solitude, reading the Bible, fasting, and prayer can help us cultivate intimacy with God.
Holy Spirit, draw me near. Help me to cultivate an intimate relationship with God. Fill me with your refreshing presence each day. In Jesus’ name, Amen.

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